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Messages : 8935
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2010
Localisation : Albuquerque,Nouveau Mexique

Altitude Empty
MessageSujet: Altitude   Altitude Icon_minitimeSam 28 Aoû - 21:20

Le film sortira directement en DVD.

L'histoire:Après d’être enfoncé dans un épais brouillard les avaries mécaniques commencent à se multiplier, quand ils en sortent, ils découvrent alors avec horreur que le sol a disparu en bas et, pire encore, qu’un gigantesque monstre tentaculaire caché dans les nuages en veut à leurs vies !

Citation :
Exclusive: The Official Altitude Trailer
Source: Ryan Turek, Managing Editor
August 26, 2010

One of those films that we've been on top of since day one is Altitude, a film by comic book vet Kaare Andrews that stars Jessica Lowndes (Autopsy), Julianna Guill (Friday the 13th), Landon Liboiron, Jake Weary and Ryan Donowho.

Anchor Bay picked it up for distribution a few months back and on October 26 Altitude comes to DVD and Blu-Ray. We've got the official trailer to share with you below.

The film tells of five friends who hop on a plane for a weekend getaway. Unfortunately, shit gets real and thousands of feet up in the air they run into trouble of the Lovecraftian variety. It looks like there's a bit of Amazing Stories thrown in the mix here, too. Regardless, interesting, original story and not a remake? Into it.

For hi-res DVD cover art follow this link.

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