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 'Incarceron' avec Taylor Lautner

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

'Incarceron' avec Taylor Lautner Empty
MessageSujet: 'Incarceron' avec Taylor Lautner   'Incarceron' avec Taylor Lautner Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Déc - 22:48

Citation :
Lautner will play Finn, who has lived his entire life on Incarceron, a savage, futuristic prison society. He meets the daughter of the warden, who is trapped in her own prison, a futuristic world constructed beautifully to look like the 17th Century. She knows nothing of Incarceron except that it exists. She and Finn simultaneously find a crystal key that allows them to communicate and hatch an escape plan for Finn. The film will be produced by John Palermo and Lautner is likely to become involved as a producer as well.


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'Incarceron' avec Taylor Lautner
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