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 Detective Comics par Tony Daniel

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Empty
MessageSujet: Detective Comics par Tony Daniel   Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:43

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Dtc_cv11

Citation :
Detective Comics #1 – When you’ve got a Batman book that appears to show Joker’s bloody cranium atop a stack of baby doll heads, you sort of know what you’re in for. Batman is on the hunt and once more, like a never ending dance, Joker is his prey. In the Gotham of the New 52, Batman isn’t exactly embraced by the local police forces, so it seems every time he hits the rooftops it is amid a hail of gunfire. At least Jim Gordon exists in this universe and can deflect some of those attacks. It is worth noting that even though the book clearly states that Joker’s kill count is currently at 114 individuals over a 6 yr period, it is as if he has been at work far longer than Batman, who is constantly questioning Joker’s moves and seems ill prepared for his tricks. Oh yes, there are many many tricks in these fleeting pages, as well as explosions and plenty of bloodshed…and very few pages of brooding. The book travels at breakneck speed, managing to begin a story arc flawlessly without losing momentum. It’s dark, angry and every bit the gritty new world those endless press quotes have promised. The last page of this comic is right out of a SAW film. This may be the “what the hell are they going to do next” comic of the bunch!


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Detective Comics par Tony Daniel   Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:11

Citation :
Detective Comics #1 by Tony Daniel and Ryan Winn

I’ve never really come to terms with Tony Daniel’s Batman. He’s often been up against better writers and better artists on competing Batman books and he’s suffered by comparison. But this week his is the only Batman book, it’s his moment to shine.

And he takes it.

And initially gives us a very good Batman story. Aside from a few lines along the costume, nothing has really changed her. It’s Batman as we’ve known him, with the Gotham police on the twitchy side. And this comic, the Batman tracking down the Joker with a few elements not quite right sees Daniel give us a kind of best of Batman. From the Miller/Mazzuchelli’s set of tricks with shadows and tiny panels highlighting half faces to the McFarlane silhouettes to the Neal Adams grimaces to Breyfogle character acting and the Jim Lee big angular vertical panels and explosions. All with the feeling that, even though everything is the same, something is off.

He packs a hell of a lot in here as well. He gets the same twenty pages that most everyone does but he fills them. And then leaves you with an ending that… well…

It’s the best ending of all 52 comics. Should touch everyone with any familiarity of Batman. I can see a lot of people just stopping and staring for minutes, as I just did. Not sure if that T For Teen rating is quite appropriate. Where do we go from here? Issue 2.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Detective Comics par Tony Daniel   Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 12:39

Citation :
Writer: Tony S. Daniel ~ Artist: Tony S. Daniel and Ryan Winn ~ Price: $2.99

Rating: 4 étoiles

I’d heard mixed things about Tony Daniel (or, as he now likes to call himself, Tony Salvador Daniel) and his previous run writing and drawing Batman, but this first issue of the relaunched Detective Comics (which, like Action Comics, renumbers a title that had previously been going uninterrupted for over 70 years) is surprisingly good stuff. There’s a lot here that’s traditional and expected – anyone wanting a gritty tale of Batman on the streets of Gotham battling a grotesquely violent Joker will find plenty to enjoy, while also setting up the new Gotham-based status quo in a brisk fashion. Daniel’s take on the Joker is good without being classic, but it’s all well-executed, muscular superhero comics – until we get to the ending, which is an absolute, out-of-nowhere “Did they seriously just do that?” moment. One of the most enjoyable things about monthly comics are when they get the cliffhangers right, with endings that simply demand that you read the next instalment, and Detective Comics – a title I wasn’t even expecting to be that good – has made me seriously keen to discover what happens next…


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Detective Comics par Tony Daniel   Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 20:09

J'ai bounce
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Detective Comics par Tony Daniel   Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Icon_minitimeVen 9 Sep - 16:28

Pour te répondre Jkk. Ben pareil que toi comme ça. Disons que j'ai trouvé ca bien fait, avecc une orientation houla la la on est hardcore houla, mais je suis pas rentré dans l'ambiance. Visuellement ça dépote bien, y a des moments de tension, mais riien ne m'a accroché plus que ça et du coup j'anticipais quasi tout... Je crois que ce qui m'a détourné, c'est le coté hardocre jusqu'au boutiste qui me semble a la limite de la démo, Et Batman qui est quand meme le protagoniste dans sa maniere de s'exprimer est quand meme je trouve dans du cliché vu et revu. j'ai bien aimé limite le rapport à Alfred.

Bref, aprés force est de constaté que ca a plu pas mal quand meme (surtout la fin) alors je sais pas, je rate peut etre un truc, mais en tous cas pour le moment vu de chez moi c'est pas ça.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Detective Comics par Tony Daniel   Detective Comics par Tony Daniel Icon_minitimeMar 4 Oct - 23:30

Citation :
MODOKagogo Andrew Salmond
Detective #2. Daniel's art is great here, helped a lot by excellent, stylish inking. Also, Batman needs to keep his dick in his pants.
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