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 Wind in the willows

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3 participants

Messages : 25031
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Localisation : Spectre

Wind in the willows Empty
MessageSujet: Wind in the willows   Wind in the willows Icon_minitimeVen 16 Juil - 10:19

Wind in the willows ZZ2CDCA396

Citation :
Back in June, it was announced that Peter Jackson’s WETA (Lord of the Rings, District 9) was developing a live-action and animatronics adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s classic book The Wind in the Willows. The story follows four anthropomorphized characters in a classic pastoral English countryside, an yes, it has been adapted to the screen many times before. But this time around they are using WETA to provide a suite of animatronic effects to bring the animal characters to life.
WETA’s Richard Taylor is overseeing the effects. Taylor should be familiar to many as the man behind a lot of the effects in The Lord of the Rings, as well as many other films. Directed by Ray Griggs and written by Bill Marsili (Lightspeed), the $30m production is scheduled to shoot this fall.

Wind in the willows ZZ022DF938



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Messages : 6403
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2010
Localisation : Neptune

Wind in the willows Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wind in the willows   Wind in the willows Icon_minitimeVen 16 Juil - 16:01

yes j'ai vu ça, à voir...
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Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2010

Wind in the willows Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wind in the willows   Wind in the willows Icon_minitimeVen 16 Juil - 21:32

Rooh, le site est mal foutu, pas moyen de mettre en pause le trailer (qui au final ne montre quasi rien, d'ailleurs) une fois que l'on a commencé à le visionner. è_é C'est une honte !

A part, c'est intéressant comme nouvelle. L'univers était "sympa" et poétique, j'espère que le film sera à la hauteur...
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MessageSujet: Re: Wind in the willows   Wind in the willows Icon_minitime

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Wind in the willows
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