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 Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui

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2 participants

Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui Empty
MessageSujet: Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui   Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui Icon_minitimeSam 7 Aoû - 14:21

Citation :
del Toro: In the next 10 years, we're going to see all the forms of entertainment—film, television, video, games, and print—melding into a single-platform "story engine." The Model T of this new platform is the PS3. The moment you connect creative output with a public story engine, a narrative can continue over a period of months or years. It's going to rewrite the rules of fiction.

Wired: It sounds like you're talking about an entirely new form of storytelling.
del Toro: Think about the way oral tradition became written word—how what we know about Achilles was written many, many years after it made its way around the world with different names and different types of heroes. That can happen when you allow content to keep propagating itself through different kinds of platforms and engines—when you permit it to be retold with a promiscuous form of mythology. You see it when people create their own avatars in games and transfigure their game worlds.

del Toro: We are used to thinking of stories in a linear way—act one, act two, act three. We're still on the Aristotelian model. What the digital approach allows you to do is take a tangential and nonlinear model and use it to expand the world. For example: If you're following Leo Bloom from Ulysses on a certain day and he crosses a street, you can abandon him and follow someone else.

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Messages : 205
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2010

Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui   Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui Icon_minitimeSam 7 Aoû - 18:23

J'ai lu aussi qu'il allait bosser avec une boite de jeux video "THQ" dans le but de créer et superviser des jeux.

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Guillermo Del Toro et le futur du cinéma selon lui
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