Sujet: Re: David Goyer écrira le Godzilla de Gareth Edwards Dim 15 Juil - 0:59
Description du teaser:
Citation :
Silas Lesnick: The footage pans across a city that has been utterly destroyed. We hear a voice over a radio talking about the end of the world. It looks like another giant creature's body is in the wreckage. We hear the classic Godzilla scream. From the smoke, we see something enormous. We're following a camera up Godzilla's back, showing his scales. We see his face, but it's almost a silhouette. It looks a LOT like the classic Godzilla design but with a slightly fatter face.
The narration is from Robert Oppenheimer. "We knew the world would not be the same. Few people laughed. Few people cried. Most were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture. The Bhagavad-Git... takes on his multi-armed form" (This is were we see the other, dead creature)
"And says, 'I am become death. Destroyer of worlds." That's where we see Godzilla's face and the logo
That's the narration in the trailer. It's a Robert Oppenheimer quote about the atomic bomb.
Sujet: Re: David Goyer écrira le Godzilla de Gareth Edwards Dim 15 Juil - 2:26
Kaizus a écrit:
Tom_Man a écrit:
Je dirais même du bootleg de bootleg de très mauvaise qualité! Il est pas mal mon nouvel avatar tiens
Ouai j'te raconterais la bande annonce de ton avatar dans 5 jours
J'espère juste qu'il sortira pas de suite alors! Au pire étouffe-toi avec un popcorn, sois emmené aux urgences, plonge dans le coma et réveille toi lorsque TDKR ne sera plus dans aucune salle de ciné
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Sujet: Re: David Goyer écrira le Godzilla de Gareth Edwards