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 Action comics

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeVen 2 Sep - 18:14

Action comics  478805ac1

Le titre sort le 7 Septembre, mais je viens de lire la preview en ligne et c'est trés trés bon! cheers


Hate de voir la suite bounce

Dernière édition par Tayelore le Mer 10 Oct - 20:13, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeSam 3 Sep - 12:17

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Morrison thinks this new Superman's outside-the-government approach mirrors the mood of the world today.

"I think right now, we're all feeling that way," he said. "Nobody has much faith in their elected leaders in the same way that they did. We all have a lot more cynicism and a lot more doubt about the people who are running our lives than we did when Superman was a 'boy scout.'"

Nrama: It's interesting that you compare it to Gotham a bit, because there's been quite a reaction to this idea that Superman is willing the break the law. I think because Superman is so established as the good guy that it's strange to think of him being at odds with the authorities, but I assume he's got a motivation for what he's doing?

Morrison: Oh, always. Superman stands for justice, not necessarily for the law. And I think that's what makes this guy different. But as you know, I'm only taking that aspect of it from the original 1938 version, which was the original Superman. He was very much... you know, those stories were set in a pretty convincing real life world, and Superman was dealing with corruption and the law and the cops and then Congress, as much as he was dealing with just street crime and day-to-day violence.

So he always had that social justice, and we're just taking it back. I think right now, we're all feeling that way. Nobody has much faith in their elected leaders in the same way that they did. We all have a lot more cynicism and a lot more doubt about the people who are running our lives than we did when Superman was a 'Boy Scout.' So we're taking him back to the '30s, when people did have that doubt, and a lot of people were losing their jobs and losing their livelihood, and a lot of people were realizing there was corruption in high places.

Nrama: But you said Superman is still about justice, so is his attitude less cynical and anti-establishment than it is focused on changing that establishment for the better?

Morrison: It's not just the establishment. He's against everything he sees that's wrong. He's against crime. He's against wife-beaters. He's against people who kick dogs and cats, as much as he's against the evil Congressman or big business.
Regardomg Metropolis and it's people:
That was actually the most fun of it, to try to make it seem as if we'd never, ever read a superhero story before. It was really difficult, because obviously everyone's really familiar with this stuff. I guess my idea was to just to treat it more like a science fiction story, which I like to do to get to the roots of these things. And to say, 'here's what it would be like if this guy just appeared in this world.'

There are differences. Metropolis is the 'City of Tomorrow' but it clearly is not our world. It's not New York or Marvel or any of those things. It's very much Metropolis and Gotham, and the DC Universe. The idea was to take the DC Universe and treat it almost as a science fiction playground, and this was the first time this had happened. And to show how it works in Metropolis, a city that has always tried to be the City of Tomorrow, but now it's 2011, or 2005 I guess, since these stories are taking place in the past. But it's slightly run down, you know? The machines don't work. The robot trains are kind of useless. There's graffiti everywhere. And it's kind of like the way New York was in the 1970's, before they cleaned up the place. So the Metropolis we're doing is a lot scarier, it's a lot more urban than I think we've ever seen it before. It's maybe a bit more like Gotham city, but it's not as dark and gothic. But in terms of crime, it's kind of like '70s New York.

That's such a long answer, but I guess I was trying to take a few elements from different places to make Metropolis seem like a real city, more than maybe it's been before.

Then I tried to introduce Superman to that and play with what would happen if it wasn't the character we're familiar with.

And as you see, they don't know who he is. The cops don't know him. They can't trust him. He's willing to break the law. So obviously, people are scared as well, because he's using these incredible powers, and no one quite knows what that means.
Morrison talks Smallville:
Nrama: What was behind the decision to have him unable to fly at this point? Was that just to align him with how he was first introduced?

Morrison: A little bit of that. But mostly to kind of bring him down to our level finally. A lot of people had been complaining. Part of the loss of Superman's popularity in the comics has been because he's not been much like us.

Obviously, in the TV show Smallville, he's been a lot more like us. And that's actually been the most popular version of Superman probably for the last 15 years. So even though I haven't seen a single episode of Smallville, I know what it's about. And I wanted to do a Superman who could almost be traced to those roots. And a Superman who was a little younger, who wasn't as completely powered up as he is in the current continuity, and who can be hurt. His nose can be bloodied, he can have his ribs broken, and although they may heal very quickly, it takes a little bit of effort to do the feats that he does.

I wanted to see him sweat a little and to bleed a little, and to restore him to a kind of humanity that we could all understand before moving him on. So yeah, it's all about grounding him so he can be a bit more like us, 'cause I felt that was the best way of then re-introducing the powers, as he starts to get stronger. The longer he spends under Earth's sun, the more exponentially stronger and powerful he becomes, and we'll see that Superman in the current day.
On Lois & Jimmy:
Morrison: In Action, the first six issues, they barely know one another. Lois is sort of a girl about town, a rising reporter. And Clark Kent works for the rival newspaper. In my first six issues, he doesn't even work for The Daily Planet, but Lois and Jimmy do. And Clark works for The Daily Star. So they're kind of rivals. And she doesn't even have the thing about Superman yet. Superman's only just come on the scene. She gave him the name. And she's obviously fascinated by him. But there's a lot more to Lois than that.

So I'm just exploring the whole 'army-brat-becomes-a-crusading-journalist' arc, which is very strange, that she's General Lane's daughter and he's very deep in the military establishment, yet at the same time, she's an investigative journalist. So there's a lot of friction there.

It's just a whole new kind of set-up for Lois and Clark.

Nrama: Is Jimmy different in this world?

Morrison: Yeah, I mean, I like a capable Jimmy, from the start, rather than a buffoon. So there's a bit of that. Again, he's a young guy.

The way I'm playing it is that rather than him being 'Superman's friend,' which never seemed to make a lot of sense, he's Clark Kent's friend. And the two of them get on because they're a couple of really smart geeks. They're into everything from astronomy to zombies, and they love hanging out and talking.

So Jimmy becomes Superman's friend eventually because Jimmy started out as Clark's best friend. He was the first person he knew when he came to the big city. It's much more about the two friends on that level, which I think is a different, slightly warmer, more believable dynamic between the two characters.
As suspected, Clark Kent is just busting out corrupt officials thru journalism:
And you can see that in Clark as well. Clark is much more proactive. He's an investigative journalist, and he's very serious about it. He exposes all kinds of corruption that gets him into all kinds of trouble.

He kind of likes the idea that there's no way of getting to him and no one who can harm him. As Superman and as Clark, he's working as a superhero on both fronts.

So to a certain extent, he enjoys being on his own because no one can get hurt and it's all down to him. But at the same time, that means there's no limit on him as he loses his temper.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeLun 5 Sep - 19:35

Citation :
Keyser Soze
Dead Man Walking

Reading Supergods will probably give people insight into what Morrison's approach to Superman is likely to be. Here are a few quotes:

Superman made his position plain: He was a hero of the people. The original Superman was a bold humanist response to Depression-era fears of runaway scientific advance and soulless industrialism. We would see this early incarnation wrestling giant trains to a stanstill, overturning tanks, or bench-pressing constructio cranes. Superman rewrote folk hero John Henry's brave, futile battle with the steam hammer to have a happy ending. He made explicit the fantasies of power and agency that kept the little fellow trudging along toward another sunset fade-out. He was Charlie's tramp character, with the same burning hatred of injustice and bullies, but instead of guile and charm, Superman had the strength of fifty men and nothing could hurt him. If the dystopian nightmare visions of the age foresaw the dehumanized, mechanized world, Superman offered another possibility: an image of a fiercely human tomorrow that delivered the spectacle of triumphant individualism exercising its sovereignty over the implacable forces of industrial oppression. It's no surprise that he was a big hit with the oppressed. He was as resolutely lowbrow, as pro-poor, as any savior born in a pigsty.


The Superman who made his debut on the cover of Action Comics no. 1 was just a demigod, not yet the pop deity he would become. The 1938 model had the power to "LEAP 1/8th OF A MILE; HURDLE A TWENTY STORY BUILDING... RAISE TREMENDOUS WEIGHTS... RUN FASTER THAN AN EXPRESS TRAIN... NOTHING LESS THAN A BURSTING SHELL COULD PENETRATE HIS SKIN!" Although "A GENIUS IN INTELLECT. A HERCULES IN STRENGTH. A NEMESIS TO WRONG-DOERS," this Superman was unable to fly, resorting instead to tremendous single bounds. He could neither orbit the world at the speed of light nor stop the flow of time. That would come later. In his youth, he was almost believable. Siegel and Shuster were careful to ground his adventures in a contemporary city, much like New York, in a fictional world haunted by the all-too-familiar injustices of the real one.


And so it came to pass that our socialist, utopian, humanisy hero was slowly transformed into a marketing tool, a patriotic stooge, and, worse: the betrayor of his own creators.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 17:41

Action comics  P17i

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jhewlett James Hewlett
We have a single copy of the b&w variant for Action Comics 1. It's expensive. yfrog.com/j2p17ij

Demain. bounce
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:00

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Action Comics #1 – Metropolis has a new hero that can do things no mortal man can…and it scares the hell out of the powers that be. What’s worse, the farm boy in the patched up jeans and S emblazoned shirt invites them to try and take him down, but kindly requests they clear the way while he saves the day. Before and after, they can shoot at him all they like. It’s been 6 months since this Superman has arrived on the scene and so far, the people of the city get the picture and seem grateful for his help. Those government folks in tanks…not so much. This is your introduction Clark Kent, a young man making a name for himself at one of the greater metropolitan newspapers while testing the limits of his near limitless alien powers. I say near because poor Clark sure does take his lumps in this book. Will Lex Luthor and the government find a way to take down the Superman? We are going to have a damn good time finding out! This issue is action packed (no pun intended) and shows a Superman that doesn’t have that kryptonite stick planted firmly up his butt…yet. I never had much interest in following the man of steel…but this not so unstoppable alien is just my speed.


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Messages : 5871
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Londres

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:35

aaaaaaah, j'en peu plus d'attendre saut saut saut
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:36

Pareillllllllllllllllll hmmdonut
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:55

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CarlosAle Carlos G
RT @EdMehen: Just read the new Action Comics #1 - the first since the original in 1938 and it was excellent. #comicmarket
Il y a 50 secondes

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Messages : 5871
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Londres

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:59

Captain MindFucker a écrit:
Citation :
CarlosAle Carlos G
RT @EdMehen: Just read the new Action Comics #1 - the first since the original in 1938 and it was excellent. #comicmarket
Il y a 50 secondes

hmmdonut hmmdonut hmmdonut
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 21:18

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poptardsgo JD Korejko
Reading DCnU Action Comics #1. THIS should have been the first issue released

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 21:20

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JeffLemire Jeff Lemire
Just read Action Comics #1...it's really damn good!

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 21:25

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But what about the big heroes of the DCU? They were well represented in our sneak peek. Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales takes Superman back to basics, and the beginning of his career. He's brash, he's bold, and he's actually a little over confident. That's an interesting concept, the idea of a man that can do these incredible things stretching himself beyond his limit, and one I can't wait to see more of. Most of the supporting cast is relegated to little more than cameos, but as this is the start of Superman's story, that can be forgiven. The book definitely lives up to its name, with plenty of action to start things off, and a tease of confrontations to come.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 23:00

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THIS should have been the book to kick-off the DCnU. No offense Geoff Johns or Jim Lee, but holy shit. Whereas I would give Justice League #1 a 3.5 rating, Action Comics is a 5 star book, easily! You know what? 6 out of 5 stars. That’s how good this is. Superman lovers beware, this isn’t the Supes you’re used to.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 23:04

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BeyondComicsNOW Beyond Comics
Action Comics #1 lives up to its name. Morrison and Morales knock this one way out of the park.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 23:29

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FantomComics Fantom Comics
Just got a chance to read Action Comics #1. Grant Morrison outdoes himself, AGAIN!
Il y a 5 minutes Favori Retweeter

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Messages : 3044
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2010
Localisation : Bonne question

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 23:42

Putain ... très bientôt !!!! Laughing
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 0:03

onseclate japrouvecbien

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As far as this super fan is concerned, DC has done right with Superman. I couldn't be happier with this first issue, and coupled with the new Superman, they should make an interesting combination - especially seeing how George Perez's take is set in the present.

I'm glad to say: There is a new Boss in Metropolis!


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 1:43

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joeyesposito Joey Esposito
I just read Action Comics #1. It. Is. Sweet.

Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:04

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saxonb Saxon Bullock
Action Comics - Huge fun. Morrison on top form. Art's a bit crazy in places, but moves like a blast, and some great moments. #New52 #dc52

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Action comics  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:08

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Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison, Rags Morales and Rick Bryant

It’s the business. Simultaneously set in the present with some futuristic touches as well as the tone of the nineteen thirties, this comic is an anachronistic marvel. A Superman who runs and jumps from mission to mission without a real action plan and not thinking about the long term consequences, versus a man who plans and plans and plans. And uses every plot twist and turn to put Superman in the right place and the right time for his own ends.

This is a manic comic, constantly on the move, faster than the speeding reader, but Rags Morales not losing detail in the telling. He arrives on the wind, he’s a force of nature, joyous in everything he does. He’s the crusading journalist as a superhero, righting the wrongs that he exposes but moving so fast he can’t see the bigger picture. But in constructing the first tale of the first superhero, Morrison seems to have looked more to Spider-Man for Clark Kent. A loner, down on his luck, doing his best, responsible for all he can be. Indeed, it’s not so much the comics, as it is scenes from the second Spider-Man movie, ripped from the screen and planted in the comic at least three times.

This is a clumsy Superman, it’s an act-first-think-later Superman, a Superman trying to do the right thing but sometimes not quite realising what that is. And it’s his downfall. If you’re looking for the weirder and wonderful Grant Morrison here, you won’t find it. But the perfectly constructed superhero comic that plays against expectations and creates its own language in the process. Right here, baby, right here.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:29

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RyanJames06 Ryan James
@ConnerHabib Action Comics is excellent

Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:31

Citation :
Reviewer: Mark Blicharz
Quick Rating: Great

The start of the new DCU begins here.

Written by: Grant Morrison
Art by: Rags Morales
Color by: Brad Anderson
Letters by: Patrick Brosseau
Publisher: DC Comics

When you first pick this up the first thing that strikes you is the outstanding art by Rags Morales. Everything is very well defined and drawn. It's very easy to see that it's a very young Superman, which is ideal since this takes places roughly one year before Justice League #1.

When you read this, do not go into it with what you think Superman is. This is a clean slate for the Man of Steel, which is something Grant Morrison takes full advantage of. Superman here is far more brash and reckless, which you'd expect of someone who hasn't fully grown into his role as Earth's champion. While this version of Superman is different, a lot of what we know about Superman is the same. The big difference in this issue is his power level. This is VERY early in his career, only having appeared six months prior to this issue. They make a note that he's faster and stronger than he was when he first appeared, so his power levels are growing and fast.

One of the big similarities is Lois Lane has coined his name and Clark keeps scooping her on big stories. The big difference? He doesn't work for the Daily Planet. You can tell he's the kind hearted farm boy we all know, but he's letting loose as Superman and doesn't really weigh all the options before acting. So while the people he helps like him, he's feared by many.

Read this with an open mind and remember it's a new Superman and you'll enjoy it. Go in with preconceptions and you may have some negative feelings about it.

http://www.cxpulp.com/content.php?1942-Action-Comics-1-Advance-Review Smile
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:32

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Jay_Slough Jamie Slough
Just read Action Comics 1, a lot of potential here but a little bit of mixed artwork. Feel like i've only scratched the surface. @DCComics

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:33

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FaceLoran Billy Whala III
Action Comics #1 was awesome! I look forward to getting to know this new Superman. @DCComics #new52

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Action comics    Action comics  Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 12:26

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Rating: 4,5 étoiles
A manic, hyper-energised rush of a comic, this is Grant Morrison in full-on superhero blockbuster mode, and certainly one of the most outright entertaining comics of the New 52 so far. Action Comics is also a take on Superman that hasn’t really be seen since the early 1940s – the Man of Steel as a young bruiser and social crusader, standing up to the corrupt in Metropolis while also trying to figure out his gradually growing powers (this is a Superman who hasn’t mastered flight as yet). Simultaneously modern and retro, this is lively comic-book storytelling that throws in plenty of wit and some glorious in-jokes
, while also being the best Superman comic in a very long time. Superman was the one piece of the DCU that needed an update more than anyone else, and so far it looks like this relatively radical take is absolutely going to pay off.



Dernière édition par Captain MindFucker le Mer 7 Sep - 13:32, édité 1 fois
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