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 Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:11

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Bat_girl_photos100--400x600

Citation :
Batgirl #1 – Barbara Gordon has had a long road to recovery after a maniac called The Joker paid her a visit and put her in a wheelchair. Now she’s back on her feet and feeling stronger than ever…so why walk when you can fly? Watch Batgirl get back into the swing of things complete with well placed kicks to the head and right fists to the breadbox, all delivered with an evil little grin on her pretty face. This premiere issue spends little time lamenting on her past wounds and dives right into the action with Batgirl kicking ass on one end of the spectrum and a vigilante calling himself The Mirror leaving a bloody mess at the other. When these two collide, Batgirl had better hope her demons have indeed been slain or they may come back to bite her. This comic is non-stop fun with everything you could want in an action film packed into a lil bitty comic package. It’s great to see Barbara back to literally kicking ass and it’s going to be very interesting to see what else the powers that be have tweaked or progressed in her life. She is set to clash with Nightwing…does she even know him anymore??!! MYSTERY!!!


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 21:03

Citation :
BATGIRL : The Outline - Written by GAIL SIMONE, Art by ARDIAN SYAF and VICENTE CIFUENTES & Cover by ADAM HUGHES - Yes, it's really happening! Barbara Gordon is back as Batgirl – and she's going to have to face the city's most horrifying new villains as well as the dark secrets from her past. You won't want to miss this stunning debut issue from fan-favorite BIRDS OF PREY writer Gail Simone!

The Review - Batgirl #1 sees Barbara Gordon getting back on her feet...literally. The book acknowledges the events of a certain, now cult classic moment in comics' history when Barbara answered her door and found The Joker on the other side. With the flash of a gun, Barbara's life was seemingly changed forever as she resigned herself to life in a wheelchair. It has been a hard road to recovery but Babs is ready to kick some ass again. We follow her into the night where people do unspeakable things in the shadows. As Batgirl, Barbara has all the skills needed to take down thugs, slashers and even the occasional powered up baddie, but can her mind handle the battle once more? The appearance of a vigilante named The Mirror will put that to the test.

Batgirl is ACTION PACKED with no shortage of people in peril and the woman in black coming to the rescue with a boot to the cranium. You get to hear what is going on in Batgirl's head while she exudes nothing but strength and a bit of a mischievous evil streak. She definitely enjoys her work! If this were on TV, you'd be cheering for nearly the whole show. We also spend plenty of time with Barbara out of the cowl as she is all but starting her life over again. It is an interesting counterpoint, but while it is obvious she still has some demons to chase away, we never get the sense that Barbara is a fragile girl, or even damaged beyond repair. She's not out to prove herself, nor is she extra bloody in her fighting style as she doles out damage on foes she wishes were The Joker. It's refreshing to see that none of those old trappings weigh down this story. In the end, Batgirl comes face to face with The Mirror...and in one week, you'll get to see what happens next! Suffice to say, the battle doesn't go according to anyone's plan and blood is spilled. This comic is quick and dirty and I love it.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 21:26

Citation :
One of the more controversial launches, Batgirl #1 by Gail Simone and Ardian Syaf, did not shy away from the controversy at all. Barbara Gordon's restored ability to walk and retaking of the Batgirl identity is tackled head-on in the very first issue. Not a lot of answers were given just yet, but it's clear that her past as a victim of paralysis will remain a theme in the story. In addition to those tense moments, special care was given to make this a book about both Batgirl the hero and Barbara Gordon the woman. Simone's joy at writing both is apparent in Barbara's joy at being both. The art shows the fun of kicking some bad guys in the face coupled with the constant pain and worry of a victim of extreme violence. This book won't dispel every fear or worry int he first issue, but it also won't hide from them, which is a good thing. Still, from the first issue, it felt more like the best that could be done with the circumstances, rather than the best Batgirl story around.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 1:38

Citation :
paradoxcnc Paradox

Rich. Loved batgirl. This should be a standard of quality for 52.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:25

Citation :
Batgirl #1 by Gail Simone. Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes

Very possibly the best title published by DC today. And not one I was expecting either. Firstly we have a central character whose internal voice and external voice differ, oppose, fight with each other. She has more than one mask to wear.

We are given no more explanation for her ability to walk, jump, kick and do the splits, other than a “miracle”. But her paralysis is not forgotten, it haunts her, it affects her, it is a character in this book in its own right. And the villains are intricately designed, delineated and motivated, just as much as Barbara Gordon is, whoever she is playing.

The book is fast, smart, funny with an art style that sits somewhere between Phil Jiminez and Jim Lee, detailed, with an awareness of anatomy and objects operating in space, but with a flashy splashy veneer and panel design that tickles the eye.

And it flatters the intelligence of the audience as well. One example of many is an ironic fist bump not shown, but implied by the language tone, letting the audience fill in motivation and action in the gutters.

Such a small example of why this comic works on a larger scale, both in the story it tells and the way it tells it. Worth every penny of the $10 it’s selling for on eBay already.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:52

Citation :

Batgirl was definitely a surprise - brilliant, and more than justifies the decision to get Babs back in the costume.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 3:07

Citation :
proudlioncomics Proud Lion

Gail Simone made Batgirl #1 an incredible read - whatever I feel about Babs walking again, it's still a fantastic 1st issue. Powerful stuff.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 12:35

Citation :
BATGIRL issue 1
Writer: Gail Simone ~ Artist: Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes ~ Price: $2.99

Rating: 4 étoiles

This was the one real problem I had with the new DC setup – the fact that they were bringing the previously paralysed Barbara Gordon, who’d spent years as computer info-expert Oracle, back as Batgirl – but trust Gail Simone, one of the best and most consistent mainstream superhero writers, to dispel all my fears. Batgirl #1 is a really sharp, well-executed comic, and Simone gives Barbara a very distinctive voice that’s a mixture of cocky adventurousness and genuinely understandable fear. The previous history of Batgirl (and especially the attack from the Joker which caused her paralysis) is an integral part of the story, and Simone packs this full of value, with good character moments and strong storytelling. It’s occasionally let down by a couple of moments of awkward visuals, but otherwise this is damn good fun and one of the highlights of the new DC Universe so far.


Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 13:35

Citation :
amandadeibert Amanda Deibert

Just read Batgirl #1. sooooo good!!

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 20:07

Acheté le dernier chez Album Boulevard st Germain ! Shocked devrait y en avoir la semaine prochaine. timide
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 9 Sep - 1:11


du trés trés bon Very Happy

Plein de tension. Des idées pertinentes et bien barges. Du suspense. Du fun. De l'émotion. un mystere bien viscéral. (et des moments trés violent) un protagoniste méga accessible super entrainant et touchant. (ou on te fait partager le plaisir d'etre libre de son corps de se ballader en costume se défouler et aider les autres.. mais en meme temps la peur risquer sa peau en se costumant pour castagner des criminels) une perle visuelle: ca claque, c'est beau, c'est immersif. Encore une fois a l'instar de Jl et action comics y a un plaisir communicatif, impressionannt!
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeLun 3 Oct - 22:16


Hop preview pour la suite du réjouissant Batgril de Gail Simone Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente bounce
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Oct - 23:25

En fait, j'ai appris que Batgirl a été repoussé à la semaine prochaine.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct - 23:53

Citation :
swierczy Duane Swierczynski
Loving @GailSimone's BATGIRL #2. You know you're reading an intense comic when you find yourself wincing along with the hero.
Il y a 9 minutes Ajouter en favori Retweeter Réponse

Very Happy

et je l'aii laaa sous la mainn cheers
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct - 23:55

Citation :
The Verdict
A lot happens in this issue, and maybe it was a little bit too much but I think less action and a bigger focus on Babs' intellect and crime/problem solving capabilities would have this issue a lot more interesting. The art is great, however, and the colors are vibrant and beautiful and match the fast paced story line. My biggest issue right now, however, is that this doesn't really feel like a Barbara Gordon story -- at least not to me. I think that if you replaced her with blond hair, she would pass for Stephanie Brown. There's an interesting scene where Commissioner Gordon finds out that Barbara has returned, and the expression on his face in that panel makes me wonder whether he knows that Batgirl is his daughter. Very interesting.

Bon, bonnnnnnnnn timide onseclate

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct - 23:55

Citation :
BizarroDoom Stephen Davidson
Just read Batgirl # 2. For me, so far, this series is @GailSimone's best work, which is saying something! Love it! #New52
Il y a 3 heures Ajouter en favori Retweeter Réponse

Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct - 23:56

Citation :
NateHood257 Nathanael Hood
Batgirl #2: 8/10. Better than the first. Still not up to the quality that I expect of Gail, but getting there.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 28 Oct - 21:21

Episode 2

Vraiment un chouette comics. Toujours fun et plein de tension. Gaill Simone et Ardian Syaf font vraiment une team parfaite.Ils font définitivement de Barbara Gordon un personnage toujours plus attachant, et le vilain est particulierement corsé. Dans le moins, ça n'en est pas vraiment un, c'est juste que on est dans "juste" un comics trés bien fait, trés attachant.

4 étoiles
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Messages : 10637
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Localisation : paris

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 12:47


le mess de ma review du 1 à été effacé donc...

lu le deuxième, toujours aussi bon cheers un perso de plus en plus attachant, un comics dynamique, un bon méchant et les pensées de l'heroïne, bien écrite je trouve, immersif.

Vite la suite ! bounce
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 13:06


Ce qu'il y a je pense aussi c'est que Gail Simone adore le personnage de son propre aveu et ça se sent Very Happy
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Messages : 10637
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Localisation : paris

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 13:15

yes, bien communicatif !

ah et une question :

pas forcement dans ce comics précis mais en règle général?
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 13:41

Yes il connait son identitée Wink
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Messages : 10637
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Localisation : paris

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 13:56

oki Wink
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Messages : 10637
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Localisation : paris

Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 11 Nov - 0:19

bon, Batgirl, plus on avance, plus c'est bon cheers

lu le troisième et ça reprend tout de suite dans l'action avec toujours un dessin et une mise en scène somptueux (ça en jette grave Very Happy ) et ensuite

on s'attarde sur
et c'est touchant et fun.

gros coup de coeur pour ce personnage et ses aventures quelles soient humaines ou franchement dangereuses.

jaime 4 étoiles
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente   Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Icon_minitimeVen 11 Nov - 0:22


Tu m'as dépassé! J'ai le 3, mais pas lu encore Shocked Laughing Faut que je le lisseeeee cheers
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Batgirl de Gail Simone,  Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente Empty
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Batgirl de Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf et Vicente Cifuente
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