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 Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Empty
MessageSujet: Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick   Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep - 20:20

Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick 0341574eebc3a691f39904b2c3e6d193
Citation :

Men of War #1 – In the past, war comics told tales of brave warriors putting themselves in harms way during history making events like World War 2 and the Vietnam Conflict. These larger than life men fight so we don’t have to, using a dizzying array of weaponry to take down the enemy. In the end, we often learn of the fragility of life and the horrors these men and women are forced to take part in…that will never leave them. Now, DC makes its boldest move yet and takes the traditional war story format and grafts it onto the actual core DC universe! This is the story of a young soldier named Rock who is put on the front lines of a war he can not fully understand. Put him on the ground and set him at a human target and he’ll act without hesitation, but when super powered beings clash amid this scenario, how do you fight back? Now I understand those moments in a movie where the police man with the gun can’t help but shoot at the invulnerable guy in tights. You feel helpless…and it is all you’ve got. Imagine how the people of Metropolis feel when Superman gets slapped around by some creature capable of doing that slapping. Where do you hide? Watch two titans clash from the ground floor with the world seemingly coming apart around you. It’s bloody, violent and starkly REAL. It is a side of the DC universe I’ve never seen before and I’m locked in for more!

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick   Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:23

Citation :
Men Of War #1 by Ivan Brandon

This is the book Garth Ennis was born to write. Except he doesn’t work for DC any more. But Ivan Brandon does. A combination of two Ennis tropes – a hatred of superheroes combined with army procedural in a time of war when men must be men, suffer the consequences and keep honour, if only to themselves.

An American armed forces, with the nephew of Sgt. Rock amongst its members is sent to recapture a missing politician from insurgent central. The plan, such as there is, is going to plan until a superhero arrived. While Ennis would have most likely played this for laughs, here it’s more like Marvelman, unseen save for his outline, this superhero is a force of nature, unseen, unknown despite as one of the men says the likelihood that he is “on our side”. The fear and the anger from the troop as their planned actions are ripped apart by this force is visceral, and far more effective when aimed at a flying blur, one that seems to have its own share of problems. And then everything goes to hell. The smacks of Carlos Ezquerra in places as the very earth around them is ripped up, scorching the earth. And a new Sgt. Rock is born. Nothing like I was expecting. But a bloody good. It also runs a back up strip straight out of Ennis’ DC comic War Games, with non-superheroic, non-fantasy war tales told, with art by the ultra-detailed Phil Winslade.


Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick   Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 20:12

It is in my possession Cool
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick   Men of War de Ivan Brandon et Thomas Derenick Icon_minitimeDim 11 Sep - 2:18

Pas mal, j'attends d'en lire plus. Ca peut etre interessant. M'a un peu laissé sur ma faim pour le coup, mais y a quand meme aussi un personnage, un propos, une ambiance, qui plonge au milieu d'un combat.
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