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 Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Empty
MessageSujet: Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel   Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 2:18

Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel STATIC%20SHOCK

Citation :
Static Shock #1 by John Rozum, Scott McDaniel

While Action Comics #1 may show Superman with Spider-Man tendencies, this is the book that has the greatest injection of Ditko/Lee. Teenager, albeit one with a nuclear family, nevertheless finds himself drawn between responsibilities, doing his utmost best and showing real intelligence while doing so, yet never gets an even break.
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Here, transplanted to New York, a city apparently with very few super beings, he’s at school but also working in STAR Labs, so that he can keep an eye on the weirdness that emerges.

He has Hardware as a buddy, throwing him new gadgets like dog biscuits. And in this first issue he succeeds at taking down a threat to the city, but only in a way that pisses most everyone off and leaves him none the better off. Indeed, now he’s a target, quite literally. And he ends the book missing a very important part of himself.

Citation :
The art bounces and crackles along, pulling the readers eye, drawn to the action. For such a fast moving, wall bouncing comic, calling it Static seems such an ironic title. But it’s so perfect that I’m only just getting the gag.

Welcome to New York, Static, I don’t think even Spidey had it this bad.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel   Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 13:30

Citation :
Writer: Scott McDaniel and John Rozum ~ Artist: Scott McDaniel, Jonathan Glapion, LaBeau Underwood ~ Price: $2.99

Rating: 2,5 étoiles

Originally part of the ‘Milestone’ universe created by the late Dwayne McDuffie, in Static Shock we basically have a fun, lively if not-exactly-revolutionary Spider-Man-style teen comic, with art that’s tremendously energetic but doesn’t always keep things coherent. The story throws in some fun setups, and once we get into the second half of the issue things start to pull together. However, the whole thing once again feels very Nineties in approach and execution, and while the central character does pull off some fun and charming moments, it’s hard not to think at the end of this issue that we have rather seen all this before.

Bonnnnnnnnnnnnnn .
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel   Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 13:44

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The issue is a heck of a lot of fun, a great read, and the art is just as fantastic.

I can say that, yes, I will be continuing with the series.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel   Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 20:09

J'aii bounce
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel   Static Shock de John Rozum et Scott McDaniel Icon_minitimeDim 11 Sep - 2:51

Sympa, mais ca m'a pas transporté. Le perso est fun, mais je trouve qu'on en fait des tonnes pour le faiire comprendre, puis y a un moment on se dit que quelque part, c'est un simili Parker en plus cool. En meme temps pourquoi pas, mais le soucis est que les conflits qu'il traverse sont pas super bien dévellopé. l'intrigue principal est un peu lourdingue pour le moment, on fait durer, on se repete, on surprend pas. Le dessin est sympa. Un peu bordelos par moment, mais fun. Bref, je feuilleterais le prochain, voir si ça évolue.
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