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 Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Empty
MessageSujet: Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray   Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Icon_minitimeMer 14 Sep - 1:39

Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Batman-and-Robin-1-Cover
Citation :

“Battling evil with his son, Damian, at his side, Batman now realizes that the hardest part of the job may be trying to work together! As Batman and Robin try to adjust to their new partnership, a figure emerges from Bruce Wayne’s past: His name is NoBody, and he’s not happy that Batman Incorporated is shining a light on his own shadowy war against evil…”

Citation :
paradoxcnc Paradox
Rich. Love batman and robin. Sets up new dynamic with bruce and damian.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray   Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Icon_minitimeMer 14 Sep - 17:36

Citation :
Gleason very pleasingly plunges much of the book into the darkness, but when they pair emerge from the shadows, portrays them so brightly and with classic distinction, giving us the best of worlds, The Dark Adam West. While the continuity gives the themes of the book some added gravitas, it doesn’t come close to Detective Comics #1 last week which took in far more influences and knitted them together to a stunning conclusion. There are similar structural patterns between both books, but Detective had a far grander scale throughout.

Hmmmm Smile

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray   Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Icon_minitimeVen 16 Sep - 17:22

Batman et Robin 1 : Un comics qui pour le moment tient surtout deux choses : Comment Peter Tomasi dévellope la relation exeptionnelle entre batman et damien, (j'adore de plus en plus ce petit con Twisted Evil ) ce qui donne un nouveau statue quo vraiment interessants et les dessins fantastique de Paul Gleason qui non seulement a un trait vraiment agréable, mais est un pur narrateur. C'est bourré d'idée, et ca se suit comme dans du velour.. Moins interessant est ce qui se passe dans l'intrigue proprement dite (meme si ca augure encore des échanges exellent entre Damien et Bruce et meme si Paul Gleeson cartonne encore) Y a une sous storyline qui intrigue un peu, mais j'attends de voir comment ca se dévellope. Pour le moment en tous cas, good.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray   Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct - 0:19

Preview numéro 2


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray   Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Oct - 12:09

Citation :
Denimjed Juan
Batman and Robin #2-I liked hte way Daimen was written in this issue, Ace the Bat-Hound? #ComicBookTweet
Il y a 5 heures

KevinL007 Kevin
Batman and Robin #2 was a great read. A bit confused with what EAS going on with the guy at the end of the issue.
Il y a 5 heures

NextChamp Michael Nagle
Batman and Robin #2 is my POTW because the emotional core of this run is going to be great for the title. ifanboy.com/reviews/batman…
Il y a 7 heures

SpookyTanuki Joseph Gray
My Picks for Wednesday (10/12/2011) - Batman and Robin #2 Mega Man #6 Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3 tumblr.com/ZuY2CyAcAZg-
Il y a 8 heures

shandrick Shane
Batman and Robin #2 - also pretty good. The last scene left me a little confused, but the bits about Damian were great
Il y a 10 heures

KnockedOutFilms Kyle Olson
1. Batman and Robin #2- Examining the dynamic between Bruce Wayne and his son Damien. Plus much more. Solid art and writing.
Il y a 11 heures

dickgraysons Jay。
also Batman and Robin #2 was amazing, haters stay pressed.


J'ai pas!

Oublié What a Face Laughing
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Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray   Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray Icon_minitime

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Batman et Robin de Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason et Mick Gray
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