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 Ready player one

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Ready player one   Ready player one Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juin - 19:39

Citation :
In one of the largest deals ever for a first time young adult fiction writer, Random House has won a bidding war for Fanboys/Thundercade screenwriter Ernie Cline’s debut novel Ready Player One. RH paid an almost record mid to high-six figures for the North American rights for the unpublished book, and international rights are being shopped. The movie rights will go on auction tomorrow morning, and many expect a feature film acquisition will happen by Monday at very latest.

Citation :
In the near future, outcast teenager Wade Watts escapes from his bleak surroundings by logging in to the OASIS, a globally networked virtual utopia where users can lead idyllic alternate lives. When the eccentric billionaire who created the OASIS dies, he offers up his vast fortune as the prize in an elaborate treasure hunt. Along with gamers from around the world, Wade joins the adventure, and quickly finds himself pitted against powerful corporate foes and other ruthless competitors who will do anything, in the oasis or the real world, to reach the treasure first.

Read more: Bidding War for Fanboys Screenwriter’s Ready Player One | /Film http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/06/18/bidding-war-for-fanboys-screenwriters-ready-player-one/#ixzz0rE9uLX9E
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Ready player one Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ready player one   Ready player one Icon_minitimeLun 21 Juin - 19:08

Citation :
WB Picks Up "Ready Player One"

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