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 Trance, de Danny Boyle

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3 participants

Messages : 18454
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : 9-3

Trance, de Danny Boyle Empty
MessageSujet: Trance, de Danny Boyle   Trance, de Danny Boyle Icon_minitimeLun 9 Mai - 11:24

Citation :

Michael Fassbender in Trance?



May 6, 2011

Trance, de Danny Boyle FassbenderrevealMichael Fassbender may be headlining Danny Boyle's next. Variety reports that Trance could move forward with the Hunger star in the lead.

Said to feature "an art heist gone wrong", Trance
is scheduled to shoot in London in September, but will have nearly a
full year break before resuming production, aiming for a March 2013

Read more: Michael Fassbender in Trance? - ComingSoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=77292#ixzz1LqSAE9WM


Danny Boyle reviendrait au thriller avec ce film. C'est l'histoire du cambriolage d'une galerie d'art qui va mal tourner. Le réalisateur a confié à Deadline que le film aura
Citation :

« le ton sombre, sexy et décalé dePetits meurtres entre amisetTrainspotting ».

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Messages : 18454
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : 9-3

Trance, de Danny Boyle Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trance, de Danny Boyle   Trance, de Danny Boyle Icon_minitimeLun 9 Mai - 11:28

Citation :
Michael Fassbender in Talks For Danny Boyle’s ‘Trance,’ More Plot Details Revealed

Posted on Saturday, May 7th, 2011 by Russ Fischer

This week we got the unexpected news that Danny Boyle
will direct a film before he goes to work on the 2012 London Olympics.
He won’t actually finish the movie until after the Olympics are done,
but he’ll at least have the footage in the can (or on the hard drive, as
it were) and ready to cut when the games are done. Now we know that Michael Fassbender is in talks to play the lead role in the movie, a heist thriller called Trance.
THR actually refers to the project as Trances, and reveals a chunky plot synopsis that we didn’t previously have:

An assistant at an auction house masterminds [an art]
heist and teams up with a gang of thieves, but suffers a blow to the
head and wakes up with amnesia. He is the only one who knows where the
painting’s location is and after his continued failure to remember, the
gang begins to suspect duplicity on his part and hire a female hypnotist
to get into his brain.
If he signs, Michael Fassbender would (a) instantly make this an even
more tantalizing project and (b) play the “shady leader of the gang.”
The fact that the film is a remake is a bit unexpected, but it
doesn’t much diminish my interest in seeing Danny Boyle make a heist
thriller, especially if Michael Fassbender is representative of the cast
he hopes to assemble. And while it will be a drag knowing throughout
2012 that this has been shot and is just sitting on a drive somewhere,
at the same time I’ll be happy to go into 2013 knowing we have this to
look forward to.

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Messages : 2785
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010

Trance, de Danny Boyle Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trance, de Danny Boyle   Trance, de Danny Boyle Icon_minitimeLun 27 Juin - 15:30

James McAvoy en discussions pour le rôle principal de Trance.

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Messages : 8935
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2010
Localisation : Albuquerque,Nouveau Mexique

Trance, de Danny Boyle Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trance, de Danny Boyle   Trance, de Danny Boyle Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Jan - 18:09

Le trailer de Trace de Danny Boyle:
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