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 Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Empty
MessageSujet: Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean   Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Icon_minitimeMer 14 Sep - 0:43

Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Superboy-1-Cover

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“They thought he was just an experiment – and a failed one at that! Grown from a combination of Kryptonian and human DNA, the Clone was no more than a set of data to the scientists of Project N.O.W.H.E.R.E. But when the scope of his stunning powers was revealed, he became a deadly weapon! Now the question is: Can a clone develop a conscience?”

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jschedeen Jesse Schedeen
I liked Superboy #1 quite a bit. The vague Young Justice influences certainly don't hurt.

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LarrysComics LarrysComics.net
@DCComics Superboy #1 is a perfect intro issue. loved it. Obtuse cover was used to solicit, but interior art is charming. #comicmarket

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MODOKagogo Andrew Salmond
Superboy #1. One of the proper reinvention titles, but unfortunately it's just not very good. Disjointed, with not much really happening.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean   Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Icon_minitimeMer 14 Sep - 17:23

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Superboy #1 by Scott Lobdell and RB Silva is a real surprise. Like many, my biggest experience of Scott Lobdell’s work was on X-Men. I was a big X-Men fan. Until Scott Lobdell came along, And it’s probably the reason I stopped reading X-Men for years. Now I like Scott, he’s a entertaining guy, but I didn’t like his comic book writing, the work I’d read anyway. I think there was an amusing Captain Ultra story in an old copy of Marvel Comics Presents but that was about it.

I do, however like this. A lot. It’s a research lab procedural, with the non-powered Catlin Fairchild. This is a total reboot of Superboy, but keeps many details the same – or does it? We’re teased a couple of times that Superboy is the mix of Superman genes and those of Lex Luthor, though he is never named, but the tease leads me to think we may be getting something else.


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean   Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Sep - 1:54

Grosse surprise, c'est trés bon Smile

On prend le temps de faire partager l'état mental du perso principal. Gros capital sympathie pour ma part, tant on en arrive à se mettre à la place de superboy. Cerise sur le gateau une intrigue ou le mind fuck et l'ambiguité et le mystere sont entrenus, ce qui rend le récit tendu, et relativement angoissant. Ce qui est vraiment interessant, c'est que tout cela est nuancé par une vrai douceur. Faut vraiment lire pour comprendre. Puis les dessins sont trés bon, au diapason de toutes ces nuances dont je parlais, avec un talent pour la charactérisation singuliere, le détail sans over chargé le tout.

Bref un trés bon départ, et des perspectives vraiment emballantes japrouvecbien
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean   Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Oct - 0:07

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Written by Scott Lobdell with art by R.B. Silva

So, Red is Gen13’s Caitlin Fairchild. That’s awesome. I really like the cast that Scott Lobdell’s put together here with Superboy, Fairchild and Rose Wilson as the core of the book. The setup for the second issue here is well done, but it’s really only setup. The real action begins toward the end of the issue as Superboy and Rose are sent to a genetic lab to stop test subjects from escaping. Lobdell does a great job of bringing Superboy’s intense internal conflict to light, and Rose is just a total badass. R.B. Silva does a great job with Rose’s expressions, mixing total disdain for vioelnce with a sadistic pleasure. I’m especially interested in seeing more of Red’s powerset in the New DCU and how this book ties into Lobdell’s Teen Titans.

That’s it for this week. What did you enjoy from your own pull for this week of No. 2



in my hands bounce
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean   Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Oct - 0:11

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The Verdict
I'm not a fan of the existing DC characters getting major tweaks to their origins but the incorporation of "Red" and Rose Wilson is making Superboy's story very interesting. This is a different Superboy. We have that bit of mystery as we're not quite sure how he'll end up. The last Superboy we knew started out as a jerk and then developed into a hero with a big and noble sense of character. The way Superboy keeps a little to himself and observes and learns from everything gives a sense that he could become extremely deadly. Red and Rose are great supporting characters as we find out a little more about each. Superboy gets to go out in the real world and it might not work out quite as planned. Lobdell's story builds up the action and suspense but Silva's art sometimes felt off to me, in particular the way Superboy is drawn. The more the story continues, the more excited I get.

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Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean   Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean Icon_minitime

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Superboy de Scott Lobdell, RB Silva et Rob Lean
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