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 Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)

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The goddamn Heisenberg
Chanandler Bong
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7 films en trois ans?
Oui, ouii, et moi je vais me transformer en pitit papillon et m'envoler dans l'espace intersidérallee (en mangeant du nutella of course)
Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Empty82%Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Empty
 82% [ 9 ]
Ben oui!! (et je mange du Poulain !! :D )
Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Empty18%Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Empty
 18% [ 2 ]
Total des votes : 11


Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeDim 28 Aoû - 22:36

Citation :
1. Booster Gold is still in the works, treated more as a Deadpool February release film. No production date set.

2. Lobo is currently up in the air, being eyed as a potential TV series set in the DCEU movie universe.

3. Deathstroke no longer in the works. Ayer wanted to use him in Suicide Squad 2, will have an antagonist role.

4. Metal Men being eyed as a start for animated DC movies. If Lego Batman is successful,
Warner plans to push forward development and Warner Animation Group will create the movie.

5. WB wants to make a few “in-universe” tv shows for the DCEU, multiple smaller teams and smaller characters being eyed. WB wants these shows to be “premium cable” type shows akin to Game Of Thrones

6. Fables Movie adapt canceled. Currently being eyed as a television show, although worried it may draw the comparison from Once Upon a Time. Up in the air if it will happen or not.

7. Sandman movie currently being developed. Giving it as much time as it needs to develop. Could very well be canceled. Joaquin Pheonix approached after Joseph Levitt left.

8. Sam Raimi being courted to direct a DCEU movie.

9. 100 bullets still in development, although will not at all be marketed as a comic-related movie. Will have the Vertigo banner, but will be along the lines of Kingsman. Was envisioned as a “Sin City” type film, but is currently now a singular story. Will focus on one man’s story with the gun, and have appearances throughout by the Minutemen and the Trust.

10. The Question being developed for HBO as a smaller scale “gritty noir” show.

11. Suicide Squad 2 production begins soon, Ayer started writing the script in July, expected to shoot late-spring 2017. Will reportedly be dialed back from SS1, with less CGI, a more human threat, and no pop music at all. Slightly lower budget.

12. George Miller attracted to making a Jack Kirby property movie, working on Mad Max sequel in-between potential DCEU movie.

13. Man of Steel 2 is happening, Snyder not returning to direct.

14. Snyder no longer wants to return to direct JL 2, has opted out. Plans to direct a smaller scale movie for next project.

15. Shazam to be a one-off movie unless it does extremely well.

16. Cyborg currently up in the air. If he's a breakout character in JL, he will get a movie, if not, it'll be repurposed.

17. Legion of Superheroes canceled. Deemed “too early” to be developed.

18. Darkseid could potentially be saved for JL 3, having more background development in other movies for New Gods and Apokolips. New Gods property being heavily eyed as a film.

19. Green Lantern Corps will be an adaptation of Sinestro Corps War. Will have Guy Gardener, John Stewart, and Hal Jordan as the only human lanterns. Red Lanterns won’t appear but will be teased.

20. JSA was originally being worked on, expected to be teased in Wonder Woman with them being in WWI instead of WWII heroes. The idea was scrapped due to it not fitting the general plot of Wonder Woman. It was decided to relegate these characters to the CW shows.

21. Scalped being worked on by WGN network. Was held up with Doug Jung working on Star Trek movie. Jung expected to show run the series. Geoff Johns wrote the pilot.

22. WB wants to keep a 3-year release schedule with solo movies for A-listers . Wants to keep diversity in the lineup and keep filmgoers interested without being fatigued. On DC Animated movies, plans are to increase production to 4 movies per year. Doing “event” animated movies with a limited theater release ala Killing Joke will probably happen yearly.

23. Old scripts being revitalized as animated movies might still happen. Batman Beyond script by Boaz Yakin has been floating around.
angélique japrouvecbien
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeDim 28 Aoû - 22:38

George Miller, Dc comics, la rumeur persiste ( de jon schnepp/Collider) avec The New gods Cool
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 10:31

Twisted Evil
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 11:08

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 11:09

Citation :
5. WB wants to make a few “in-universe” tv shows for the DCEU, multiple smaller teams and smaller characters being eyed. WB wants these shows to be “premium cable” type shows akin to Game Of Thrones
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 11:09

Citation :
Sam Raimi being courted to direct a DCEU movie.
angélique japrouvecbien
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 11:17

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 11:17

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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 14:52

Ah oui quand même affraid
Je trouve qu'ils avaient un peu fait ça dans certains anime , du genre celui de Wonder Woman ou le JLA Doom mais sinon oui pousser encore l'expérience encore plus loin pourrait renouveler leur "films " parce qu'ils ont perdu un peu en qualité ...
Mais ouais veut bien voir le JLA de Miller , le Batman 3 de Burton voir même son Sup Twisted Evil
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Messages : 5444
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2009
Localisation : Malibu

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 16:13

AquaSnake a écrit:
Citation :
1. Booster Gold is still in the works, treated more as a Deadpool February release film. No production date set.

2. Lobo is currently up in the air, being eyed as a potential TV series set in the DCEU movie universe.

3. Deathstroke no longer in the works. Ayer wanted to use him in Suicide Squad 2, will have an antagonist role.

4. Metal Men being eyed as a start for animated DC movies. If Lego Batman is successful,
Warner plans to push forward development and Warner Animation Group will create the movie.

5. WB wants to make a few “in-universe” tv shows for the DCEU, multiple smaller teams and smaller characters being eyed. WB wants these shows to be “premium cable” type shows akin to Game Of Thrones

6. Fables Movie adapt canceled. Currently being eyed as a television show, although worried it may draw the comparison from Once Upon a Time. Up in the air if it will happen or not.

7. Sandman movie currently being developed. Giving it as much time as it needs to develop. Could very well be canceled. Joaquin Pheonix approached after Joseph Levitt left.

8. Sam Raimi being courted to direct a DCEU movie.

9. 100 bullets still in development, although will not at all be marketed as a comic-related movie. Will have the Vertigo banner, but will be along the lines of Kingsman. Was envisioned as a “Sin City” type film, but is currently now a singular story. Will focus on one man’s story with the gun, and have appearances throughout by the Minutemen and the Trust.

10. The Question being developed for HBO as a smaller scale “gritty noir” show.

11. Suicide Squad 2 production begins soon, Ayer started writing the script in July, expected to shoot late-spring 2017. Will reportedly be dialed back from SS1, with less CGI, a more human threat, and no pop music at all. Slightly lower budget.

12. George Miller attracted to making a Jack Kirby property movie, working on Mad Max sequel in-between potential DCEU movie.

13. Man of Steel 2 is happening, Snyder not returning to direct.

14. Snyder no longer wants to return to direct JL 2, has opted out. Plans to direct a smaller scale movie for next project.

15. Shazam to be a one-off movie unless it does extremely well.

16. Cyborg currently up in the air. If he's a breakout character in JL, he will get a movie, if not, it'll be repurposed.

17. Legion of Superheroes canceled. Deemed “too early” to be developed.

18. Darkseid could potentially be saved for JL 3, having more background development in other movies for New Gods and Apokolips. New Gods property being heavily eyed as a film.

19. Green Lantern Corps will be an adaptation of Sinestro Corps War. Will have Guy Gardener, John Stewart, and Hal Jordan as the only human lanterns. Red Lanterns won’t appear but will be teased.

20. JSA was originally being worked on, expected to be teased in Wonder Woman with them being in WWI instead of WWII heroes. The idea was scrapped due to it not fitting the general plot of Wonder Woman. It was decided to relegate these characters to the CW shows.

21. Scalped being worked on by WGN network. Was held up with Doug Jung working on Star Trek movie. Jung expected to show run the series. Geoff Johns wrote the pilot.

22. WB wants to keep a 3-year release schedule with solo movies for A-listers . Wants to keep diversity in the lineup and keep filmgoers interested without being fatigued. On DC Animated movies, plans are to increase production to 4 movies per year. Doing “event” animated movies with a limited theater release ala Killing Joke will probably happen yearly.

23. Old scripts being revitalized as animated movies might still happen. Batman Beyond script by Boaz Yakin has been floating around.
angélique japrouvecbien

Ca a quand même l'air de partir dans tous les sens sans beaucoup d'idées directrices tout ça avec une mentalité consistant à tirer dans le vide à tout va en se disant qu'un jour ça finira bien par atteindre sa cible.

Content de voir deux choses par contre, la première c'est que Snyder prendrait la porte après JL (à mon goût est trop tardivement mais bon) ce qui était prévisible à partir du moment ou JL est devenu un film indépendant de JL Part 2. La seconde, que DC n'a pas encore totalement renoncé à développer le catalogue Vertigo (même si regrettable annulation de Fables). Je pense que sur ce segment ils peuvent trouver un salut en terme de qualité (et que Sandman et 100 bullets ont le potentiel pour être des breakout hits cultes à la Kingsman en effet). J'espère simplement que la réussite de Preacher et les projets actuels en cours ne vont pas les inciter à délaisser systématiquement le cinéma au profit de séries télé. Il y a des perles comme Transmetropolitan, Y The Last Man ou Doom Patrol qui mériteraient clairement qu'on s'y intéresse de plus près.
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Messages : 8935
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2010
Localisation : Albuquerque,Nouveau Mexique

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 16:17

FUCK.....pas envie que Snyder partent moi !!!!
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 16:26

http://batman-news.com/2016/08/29/ben-affleck-deathstroke-footage/ Cool
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Messages : 5444
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2009
Localisation : Malibu

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû - 1:03

vendest a écrit:
FUCK.....pas envie que Snyder partent moi !!!!

Ah bon parce qu'ils sont plusieurs !!! Shocked Shocked Shocked
Bon je m'en doutais un peu quand même. Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû - 10:53

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû - 12:27

Citation :
Jeff Sneider ‏@TheInSneider 28 août Voir la traduction
No doubt abt it, SUICIDE SQUAD had legs & will turn a profit. Not the smash hit WB hoped for, but ultimately worth the risk. Sequel in play.
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Messages : 8935
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2010
Localisation : Albuquerque,Nouveau Mexique

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû - 13:14

JKKS a écrit:
vendest a écrit:
FUCK.....pas envie que Snyder partent moi !!!!

Ah bon parce qu'ils sont plusieurs !!! Shocked Shocked Shocked
Bon je m'en doutais un peu quand même. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Si seulement..... siffle Genial salitsalut!

Citation :
SUICIDE SQUAD had legs & will turn a profit. Not the smash hit WB hoped for, but ultimately worth the risk. Sequel in play.

....moué.....qu'il prenne leur temps....

Genre......qu'il fasse TOUTES les suites des films qui vont sortir...et lancer d'autres choses avant hihihihi .
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 11:47

hihihihi Rumeur
Citation :
"Been seeing all these leaks lately and wow. Most of this is just ********. So I'm here to give you guys some real details to hype you up for September 2. You'll see some of this confirmed. Hopefully, that's enough to verify me. After Friday, if you guys want more proof, I'll try to provide some."

Cyborg is out, folks. Expect a full Titans flick with Deathstroke as the main antagonist. Nightwing is in it, though, if that's any consolation. Cyborg will be in the Flash movie. Barry and Vic knew each other in school.

Deathstroke was offered to a bunch of actors but it ultimately went to Joe Manganiello.

Sequel to Man of Steel will be released in 2020 (the name Superman will not be in the title). Villain is Braniac. They're trying to court several directors including J.J. Abrams and Duncan Jones. Other characters being considered include Supergirl and Superboy. Lex Luthor will be a key character in Braniac's new origin. I believe the origin they have planned at the moment is Lex uses Kryptonian and alien tech to enhance LexOS and it becomes Braniac. From what I've seen though, they DEFINITELY want Braniac in a physical comic book-y form, not as some AI controlling drones or machines or something.

Edgar Wright is also being courted for a DCEU project.

They're trying not to make Justice League feel overcrowded but it's very clear that there is a lot they're working with already. Looking to be a long movie. They know they can't cut out a ton of stuff and repeat past mistakes.

Justice League's villain is Steppenwolf as you all know. The League fights Parademons for a good chunk of the film. Lex is let out of prison and gets the public to love him. He tries to manipulate the public into hating heroes like Batman and Superman but it doesn't work. Lex helps Steppenwolf come to Earth in exchange for technology and knowledge. Lex is very manipulative and much calmer than he was in BvS. He's also much scarier in my opinion. There's a funny scene after the League is assembled where Joker and Harley are committing a crime and they expect Batman to show up...when the whole League arrives. It's really funny and Joker and Harley just stand there, not knowing what to do now. Kind of like a "Well...****" moment. Later, the League get their asses kicked by Steppenwolf but then Superman returns and weakens him. The full Justice League then works together to defeat Steppenwolf in an awesome climactic fight reminiscent of the big fight scene in The Avengers. Superman has a beard, long hair, tattered/scorched-looking black suit, and is thin at first (not as thin as Flashpoint Superman but still thin). During the fight with Steppenwolf, you see his full strength return with each swing and with each second he's in the sunlight. Green Lantern shows up at the very very end of the film (may even be moved to mid/post-credit scene). There's a full Darkseid tease at the end buuuuut...

Justice League 2 may or may not use Darkseid as the villain. The biggest concern is comparisons to Thanos. They may hold off and use him further down the line once the dust has settled following Infinity War. Other villains being considered are the Injustice League, the Crime Syndicate and The Society. They really want multiple villains for the sequel for some reason. Tower of Babel is also being discussed as a possible plot.

Justice League 2 will be pushed back to the end of 2019 to make room for Justice League Dark (which will have a different title to not confuse moviegoers).

Aquaman will release August 2018. The villain is Black Manta, though as far as I know he has not been cast yet. The concept sketches do show the full suit which made me very excited. They want Black Manta to be a Darth Vader-esque character, in that his voice and presence is intimidating and terrifying even when he's not fighting. Aqualad is in it and serves his father for a good chunk of the film. He eventually switches sides and helps Aquaman. There's a cool fight scene planned where Aquaman and Aqualad fight Black Manta's army before Aquaman goes off to fight Black Manta at the end.

Flash's release date is March 2018. Villains are the Rogues, led by a really...creepy Captain Cold. The film is going to be really fun but Captain Cold is...strange. Creepy is really the best way I can describe it. I'm not entirely sold on the concept so hopefully it'll work better on the big screen. He wears a sleek mechanical suit that has the same color scheme and pattern as his comic book incarnation. They noticed how fan's loved the Speedforce scenes in the show and hope to put their own spin on something similar.

The Batman film (right now called The Batman though they're considering other titles) will release October 5 2018. Current plot has Black Mask as the main villain breaking other villains out of Arkham to kill Batman. Joker and Harley have a subplot involving a bomb to blow up all the inmates once Batman recaptures them all that results in Harley leaving the Joker because of the abuse and Batman trying to rehabilitate her. Deathstroke is sent in by Waller to help contain the situation so she can use them for her own means but Batman fights Deathstroke and promises Waller that he's coming for her next. Deadshot is also in it but leaves the Asylum to be with his daughter instead of getting his revenge on Batman. There's a really cool scene where Black Mask lines all the villains up and asks who will join him to get revenge (this scene will focus a lot on Deadshot's reactions, making it clear he wants only freedom). Many of the villains get away in the end, with Batman promising to hunt them all down. The film will end with Batman overlooking Gotham and seeing one of the B-List villains (has yet to be decided) committing a crime.

Luke Evans was approached to play Sinestro in Green Lantern Corp. Not sure if he agreed. The film will be lighthearted and fun. They're modeling the tone after old cheesy scifi serials. As of right now, the villain will be Sinestro with a tease of Atrocitus towards the end (subject to change however). They want to explore the various Lantern Corps with this film and the sequels.

They want to do something fresh and new to revamp Black Adam in Shazam. From what I've heard, Dwayne Johnson has been in constant communication about what they could do to make this film better. Billy is also a huge Justice League fan and he meets them at the end of the film as Shazam.

Misha Collins, Channing Tatum, Milo Ventimiglia, Steven Yeun, and Jake Gyllenhaal have been approached for various roles.

Rob Lowe was approached to play one of the villains in the Flash film. They apparently really want him to play a villain.

Emily Blunt, Rosamund Pike, Alexandria Daddario, and Jessica Chastain have also been approached.

Expect full trailers for both Wonder Woman and Justice League emphasizing the "fun" of these movies. The Wonder Woman trailer shows the villain a little. Also expect a bunch of announcements regarding casting, release dates being moved, a few new films being added to the slate, plans for DCEU shows and DCEU animated movies (no shows or movies will be announced, just that they will make stuff that tie in), and more.

Going off that last bit, they're planning on bringing the DCEU shows to HBO exclusively. Ideas being tossed around include Birds of Prey, Nightwing, The Question (heavily being considered as being the first, last I heard), The Phantom Stranger, Zatanna, and Doctor Fate.

The animated films will show what some of the characters are up to during the events of the other films.

Suicide Squad 2 will happen though after 2020, likely to be 2021. Will have a slightly altered roster. It also will not be directed by David Ayer.

The DCEU has been mapped out to about 2025.

The Booster Gold/Blue Beetle movie is up in the air right now. They're leaning on the edge of approving it after the success of Deadpool but may use it as an HBO show.
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 15:30

"Luke Evans was approached to play Sinestro in Green Lantern Corp. Not sure if he agreed. The film will be lighthearted and fun. They're modeling the tone after old cheesy scifi serials. As of right now, the villain will be Sinestro with a tease of Atrocitus towards the end (subject to change however). They want to explore the various Lantern Corps with this film and the sequels." Suspect scratch
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Messages : 5444
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2009
Localisation : Malibu

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 17:47

C'est parce que ça avait sûrement déjà trop bien marché avec le film de 2011.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 18:11

Difficile pour moi de penser ça vu que le film etait foiré. Par contre on me donne un Gl dans le style d'un Indianna Jones de bonne facture,  je prends.
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 19:45

Ouais tellement vague que bon ... Laughing
Ou je pense a John Carter ( bien aimer moi Twisted Evil )
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Sep - 19:54

Twisted Evil japrouvecbien
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Sep - 19:21

Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Cr2LLMfW8AADVFa  http://www.wsj.com/articles/warner-bros-s-new-strategy-on-dc-lighten-up-superheroes-1473350000?tesla=y Merci à brandeezy89
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Messages : 9974
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2009
Localisation : Twin Peaks

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Sep - 19:36

Donc si on voulait voir adressé toute la destruction massive de MoS il fallait allez voir BvS, maintenant si on veut voir adressé le Batman meurtrier il faut allez voir JL.

C'est cool, c'est de la série télé au cinéma... et même pas de la bonne...
Rappelez moi quand on fera à nouveau des films qui se suffisent à eux mêmes...

(et si la seule direction qu'ils sont capables d'établir c'est de systématiquement "répondre" aux sujets qui fâchent les fans en les adressant dans le film suivant, c'est un peu effrayant pour les années à venir)
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Messages : 5444
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Sep - 19:38

L'article complet et pas juste la partie qui brosse dans le sens du poil:

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They’re two of the most successful movies of the year, grossing a combined $1.5 billion at the global box office.

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Suicide Squad” are also two of the year’s biggest disappointments, met with viciously negative reviews, bitter fans’ complaints and large second-weekend sales drops that indicate word-of-mouth was unkind, to say the least. The Wall Street Journal’s Joe Morgenstern wrote that “Suicide Squad” represented “an all-out attack on the whole idea of entertainment” due to its “exceptional cynicism and startling ineptitude.”

Warner Bros. is responding to this paradox by charging full-speed ahead with plans for its DC “cinematic universe”—while conceding the movies to date have fallen creatively short, a rare public admission in Hollywood.

The studio has reworked the 2017-slated “Justice League” in hopes of making it less grim and depressing than March’s “Batman v Superman.” And it has put fan-favorite comic book and TV writer Geoff Johns in a senior position overseeing the next wave of movies, along with veteran production executive Jon Berg.

One of the duo’s main goals, they said in their first interview since taking the jobs this past spring, is to make DC superheroes on the big screen more inspiring.

“Mistakenly in the past I think the studio has said, ‘Oh, DC films are gritty and dark and that’s what makes them different.’ That couldn’t be more wrong,” said Mr. Johns, who has written comic books featuring most of the company’s top superheroes. “It’s a hopeful and optimistic view of life. Even Batman has a glimmer of that in him. If he didn’t think he’d make tomorrow better, he’d stop.”

Many have complained that such a sense of optimism was precisely what was missing from​director Zack Snyder’s “Batman v Superman” and his 2013 Superman reboot “Man of Steel.” Neither Ben Affleck’s Batman nor Henry Cavill’s Superman crack a smile, and both films feature so much death and destruction, including killings perpetrated by the main characters, that bloggers labeled them the “DC cinematic murderverse.”

The shuffle that made DC movies a full-time job for Messrs. Berg and Johns came soon after the public reaction to “Batman v Superman.” Previously, no Warner executives were devoted exclusively to the studio’s superhero films. Mr. Berg worked on them along with other productions, and Mr. Johns was a consultant with no authority.

Their appointments indicate that after giving Mr. Snyder the type of long leash accorded Christopher Nolan on the hit “Dark Knight” Batman trilogy, Warner has concluded it needs to oversee its DC movies more closely.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Snyder said he was unavailable to comment.

There was precedent in comics for Mr. Snyder’s interpretations, particularly Frank Miller’s revered 1986 comic-book miniseries “The Dark Knight Returns,” in which Batman and Superman battle. And director David Ayer’s “Suicide Squad,” though it had significant reshoots and last-minute editing, was never going to be a lighthearted romp, since its source material is about villains coerced into doing good.

While they knew the movies had flaws and expected them to be controversial, Warner executives were taken aback by the overwhelmingly negative responses, people at the studio said. They believed they had created more grounded, character-based stories that, like “The Dark Knight,” would favorably stand out from chief rival Marvel Studios’ consistently successful but fluffier fare such as “Avengers” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

The negative reactions were troubling. Despite the box office, if people aren’t happy and excited to see what’s next when they come out of theaters, the long-term prospects for DC films and consumer products are poor. Warner plans to release at least two movies based on DC characters every year for the foreseeable future at a cost of several billion dollars. CEO Kevin Tsujihara has said DC is one of three pillars of his studio’s movie business, along with Harry Potter and Lego.

Still, Warner executives have found reasons to take heart. The fact that this year’s movies were met with strident opinions—instead of a shrug like the Twentieth Century Fox 2015 superhero flop “Fantastic Four”—indicates that fans care about the characters. Big opening weekends mean that the marketing and concepts resonated—a particularly impressive feat for “Suicide Squad,” given the low profile of the comic book on which it’s based. And even people who didn’t like the movies latched onto characters who proved popular, particularly Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman and Mr. Affleck’s Batman in “Batman v Superman” and Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn and Will Smith’s Deadshot in “Suicide Squad.”

To have these characters be part of the fabric of pop culture is so rewarding, though of course we’re disappointed the movies weren’t better reviewed,” said Mr. Berg. He spoke from the London set of “Justice League,” where Mr. Snyder is a few weeks away from completing a five-month shoot.

“Justice League” was already intended to be less depressing than “Batman v Superman,” but Messrs Berg and Johns worked with Mr. Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio to make changes after gauging fan reactions to the superhero fight.

“We accelerated the story to get to the hope and optimism a little faster,” said Mr. Berg.

“Justice League” will also directly address Batman’s extreme actions in the last movie, such as torturing criminals and nearly killing the man of steel, rather than accept them as par for the course. And it’s expected to have fewer of Mr. Snyder’s controversial flourishes, like the dream sequences in “Batman v Superman,” in favor of focusing more tightly on the plot, people close to the picture said.

Plans to make “Justice League” a multipart story that would continue in a 2019 sequel also were abandoned.

“Justice League” will come out in November 2017, following next June’s “Wonder Woman.” Mr. Johns did a rewrite of the script for the superheroine’s origin story, working with director Patty Jenkins, and is writing a solo Batman movie to be directed by Mr. Affleck. It will feature Joe Manganiello, from “Magic Mike” and “True Blood,” as nemesis Deathstroke and could come as early as 2018, though Warner has not set a release date.

As he is writing screenplays and working with Mr. Berg to develop other coming DC movies including “Flash,” “Aquaman” and “Cyborg,” Mr. Johns has pulled back from his work on DC television shows and comic books.

This past May, however, he wrote a special called “Rebirth” that gave DC’s comic-book line a more hopeful tone and a renewed focus on each superhero’s core qualities—following complaints that, like the recent movies, they had gone astray from what fans loved about them. Early sales numbers have been strong, and Mr. Johns said he is applying lessons to his film work.

“We’re trying to take a really hard look at everything to make sure we stay true to the characters and tell stories that celebrate them,” he said.
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