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 Edge of Tomorrow 2

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2 participants

Messages : 25031
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Localisation : Spectre

Edge of Tomorrow 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Edge of Tomorrow 2   Edge of Tomorrow 2 Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 19:28

Edge of Tomorrow 2 Titled Live Die Repeat and Repeat; Emily Blunt Returning

Citation :
“We have an amazing story! It’s incredible! Way better than the first film, and I obviously loved the first film. It will be called Live Die Repeat and Repeat. Tom [Cruise] is excited about it, and Emily Blunt is excited about it. The big question is just when we’ll do it. But it’s not an if, it’s a when.”


cheers cheers
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Messages : 8935
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2010
Localisation : Albuquerque,Nouveau Mexique

Edge of Tomorrow 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Edge of Tomorrow 2   Edge of Tomorrow 2 Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 20:48

Je suis a la fois....septique, ennuyer, mais aussi curieux et exciter !

Hummmm....a voir.

Perso j'ai adoré le 1er donc...why not.

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Edge of Tomorrow 2
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