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 'The Vault' écrit par Brian K. Vaughan

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

'The Vault' écrit par Brian K. Vaughan  Empty
MessageSujet: 'The Vault' écrit par Brian K. Vaughan    'The Vault' écrit par Brian K. Vaughan  Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Aoû - 0:44

'The Vault' écrit par Brian K. Vaughan  Doomsday_vault

Citation :
Brian K. Vaughan Entering 'The Vault'

Citation :
"The Vault" is based on the real life Doomsday Vault in Norway, which is built into a frozen mountainside, and is designed to store seeds of every type of crop in existence, in case of global catastrophe. It is, apparently, the most secure building of its type in the world; "fenced in and guarded, with steel airlock doors, motion detectors and polar bears roaming outside."

Citation :
it's set after a devastating, apocalyptic plague, and follows "the world's greatest thief [who] must break into the extremist-controlled Doomsday Vault to steal the one seed that could prevent the extinction of the human race.


Merci à hunter rider.
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'The Vault' écrit par Brian K. Vaughan
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