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 Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)

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The goddamn Heisenberg
Chanandler Bong
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7 films en trois ans?
Oui, ouii, et moi je vais me transformer en pitit papillon et m'envoler dans l'espace intersidérallee (en mangeant du nutella of course)
Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Empty82%Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Empty
 82% [ 9 ]
Ben oui!! (et je mange du Poulain !! :D )
Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Empty18%Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Empty
 18% [ 2 ]
Total des votes : 11


Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 0:06

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Umberto Gonzalez

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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 1:14

Whao Shocked
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Messages : 3044
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2010
Localisation : Bonne question

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 1:21

SuperFlay a écrit:
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Umberto Gonzalez


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? Shocked
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 9:59


Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 14:00

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Okay guys, I know I am many days late but I have been off the grid since comic con, and I would have kept you guys updated during the Hall H panel but I have really bad battery life and it died right after the SS footage so here is very late report from Hall H!!!

First off it was pretty incredible! For my first time in Hall H it was an amazing experience. As you know the WB Hall H screen were wrapped around on both sides, think of it as a V shape. Main screen in the middle with two elongated screens on each sides. The video segment in the beginning was filled with concept art of all upcoming DC movies with Zack Snyder, Ben Affleck and I think some others talked as well, mixed between the art was footage from MOS, SS and BvS and it ended with title cards for each movie as well. Here is the breakdown of the panel

The DC panel started with a chrome DC logo rotating into focus on the main screen with the words "DC films" then taking the main screen. Golden and Silver age comic book art started filling up the main and sides screens of characters who will be feature on the upcoming DC film slate with the music from man of steel playing in the background, although i might be wrong about the MOS music part.

Then a video of Zack Snyder talking about how DC is has rich history that is ready to "explode" on the big screen with the Ben Affleck saying some other stuff as well. Slowly all the comic book art was replace with concept art of basically every upcoming DC movie. It was hard to take in because each screen had different concept art on it and it would show only for a couple of seconds and there was a very good chance I missed some of the art. A lot of the Suicide Squad art is stuff we have seen in set photos with Joker looking more traditional then he does now. One of the most interesting concept are is where we see Joker on a chair but from behind with his arm cover in blood like he just gave himself a tattoo or something else really bad went down. As I said, many of the art just flashed on screen so I couldn't get the best of looks. Some of the concept art were in motion like when you see those motion comic books, it was like that except with concept art. Not all were like this but a nice portion was.

Concept art: I am going to do a break down of the best concept that I can remember.


I remember seeing two of pieces of art, one where he seems to swimming, hands forward, with a school of fish, another where he is underwater holding on to some sort of rock structure as schools of fish swim past him. Both of these were motion art. He might of had a trident in at least one of these and there might have been a third one of him as well. Hard to remember.

Wonder Woman: Concept art pretty much confirms her movie will be in some sort period setting or at least there will be a flashback to one. The main art I can remember is her standing on a huge heap of debris with shield and sword in hand after a battle with small flames on it as well and soldiers are standing on the ground around the heap. I have seen many people claim it is WWII but I am not so sure that it is. It is definitely seemed like one of the World Wars though. What was cool is after this art showed the next thing appeared was "Directed by Patty Jenkins"

Flash: I saw his costume and probably the one piece of concept art I remember best. First it was a motion concept art again. We see Ezra with medium length black hair, like hair past his ears, holding either a bullet or a ring at a crime scene. Then his Flash speeds by. His costume is pretty different from the show. It is similar to injustice in the sense that he is wearing armor. It doesn't really look like that suit just has some similarities. His suit is more similar to Nolan's bat suit in the sense he has segmented armor pads on his suit and his cowl doesn't look it is made of leather either. It is not bulky but pretty streamlined. It was great.

Green Lanter Corps: I wasn't sure if this was concept art only because it looked like the most comic booky. The other ones looked realistic to an extent while this one looked more like it was from a comic book. People they showed: Katma tui, Kilowog, Hal Jordan and John Stewart. My brother said he also saw Arisia too.

Cyborg, Shazam & Justice League: Really quick, I do not remember seeing much Shazam concept art, I think I saw one of Black Adama and Shazam squaring off before battle, both of their costumes seemed New52 inspired, but it flashed by so quick man. Cyborg art and JL concept were dope but we didn't see much of either. The Cyborg concept art was the one same one from the JL art except him singled out. His costume his really hard to describe, it almost like the cyborg part of him was growing out of him, if that makes any sort of sense. The JL concept art was them standing around each other, similar to the Thrones of Atlantis movie cover but with the the main 6 for sure, can't remember if GL was there or which one if was there if he was.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 14:04

Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 CYB_Cv2
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juil - 11:36

Citation :
Lucas Canoa
@elmayimbe George Miller information, pleeeeeeeease

Umberto Gonzalez
‏@elmayimbe Umberto Gonzalez a retweeté Lucas Canoa
When I get around to it. Smile
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Juil - 14:10

SuperFlay a écrit:
Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 CYB_Cv2

Chouettos Shocked japrouvecbien
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Aoû - 21:43


Georges Miller réaliserait bien un film DC mais ce ne serait pas MOS3 (qui serait retardé ?).
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Sep - 22:19

Citation :
When asked about Steven Spielberg's comment that superhero movies would "go the way of the western," Zack Snyder said he might not be wrong. "I think it puts more pressure on us, the filmmakers, to not just crank out superhero movies for the sake of it," he said. "To me, the one thing I love working in the DC universe is that Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman are American mythology. It’s not about making a superhero, it’s a mythological universe that we live in. That I hope stands the test of time. They stood the test of time. That’s hopefully the sort of magic bullet. But who knows what audiences will want in the future." As for what he does to keep the trinity fresh, "To me it’s about the drama, the humanity of it. Those are like Shakespearean characters, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent, they have inherent drama built into their makeup."

With Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman among the superheroes to be featured in Dawn of Justice, Zack Snyder was then asked if he worries about over-stuffing the movie. "I try and stay central," he replied. "There’s something really fun about bringing the other characters in, but it’s really about staying central to the real core mythology is what I think the audience enjoys most." About the many rumors surrounding DCEU, Synder was asked what are the craziest ones he's heard so far. "There are so many, it’s insanity," he said. "It’s funny because every now and then someone will touch on something that’s kind of true, but the next thing they say makes me realize that they took a wild guess. They’ll say something and I’ll say “Oh snap, they must have seen the script.” And then they’ll say, “And this happens!” And then I’ll go, They have no idea what they’re talking about. It’s fun for everyone to speculate and take shots and think of things and try to sell it. There’s an industry in selling your guess. [People think], “I’m going to make a fake script and look like I read the real one.” What length are you willing to go?" He continued, "There’s a rumor that my son is [playing] Robin. It’s not true. Now there are all these images of him that people have made where he’s dressed like Robin. It’s fun to hear and see them."

Finally, Snyder was asked about his role in the development of the DC Extended Universe beyond Batman v Superman, which includes serving as a producer on Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman. "I’m staying with Batman v Superman and Justice League and Justice League 2 — those are my main responsibilities, as well as producing the other movies," he reassured. "That’s the main line. Once you get Justice League, you’re pretty deep in it. But like I was saying, not to be a selfless promoter of our program, what it shows is that we have this giant berth of opportunity with the DC movies now to I think find the opportunities for even young filmmakers to even get involved because there are so many projects." Head over to Yahoo for more contest info.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Sep - 19:44


Snyder est ok pour George onseclate
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Sep - 19:58

Bah ça tombe bien moi aussi ! Genial japrouvecbien lol!
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep - 0:44

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 22:29

19 Janvier, 2016 : 2 DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW: THEIR TIME IS NOW (9:00-9:30pm ET/PT), et DC FILMS PRESENTS: DAWN OF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (9:30-10:00pm ET/PT), world premiere du nouveau new trailer de“Suicide Squad.” un épisode original de THE FLASH (8:00-9:00pm ET/PT).suivi d'une émission avec en hote Kevin Smith, et en invité Geoff Jones de DC Entertainment’s Geoff Johns, plein feu sur l'univers dc ciné avec Batman v superman (avec extrait et interview) des clips et interview des équipe de Arrow, Flash et Legends,et un aperçu du film Wonder Woman de Patty Jenkins! http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=129397
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Jan - 17:54

Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 CZGGg8sUMAEUpnP Cool
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Jan - 18:58

Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 WXfLlqx
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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Jan - 22:04

https://twitter.com/officialDannyT/status/689510773882691584 scratch onseclate Basketball
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Messages : 2178
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Gallifrey

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Jan - 22:42

Mmmh pour la série Supergirl peut être?
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 0:05

Maybe. Rapport aux Aliens dans la série?
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Messages : 2178
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Gallifrey

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 0:16

Oui ce sont des prisonniers échappés de la Zone Fantôme si je me rappelle bien (je n'ai vu que le pilote quand il avait fuité siffle )
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Messages : 25031
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Localisation : Spectre

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 0:42

Y vont peut être lancer une série Lobo ou un film? ? scratch siffle
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 9:16

https://www.facebook.com/DcCinematicUniverseRomania/videos/950781304992610/?pnref=story cheers cheers cheers cheers
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 10:04

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 10:09

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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo)   Les projets Dc comics ( DcEu/ Vertigo) - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Jan - 10:10

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