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 Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan

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Messages : 9974
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2009
Localisation : Twin Peaks

Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Juin - 20:28

darknol a écrit:
...Ou le compte à rebours de la sortie du film, effectivement. (enfin ça paraît un peu moins crédible que mon annonce.)

C'est vrai! respect
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Juin - 23:00

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Originally Posted by jacobed
So I saw this yesterday, now I'm not sure if I put my review here or not but oh well. First off let me say that this is going to be a very brief and completely spoiler free review, I feel this movie is best seen not knowing as much there is just so many cool things that are happening during it that even just hearing a description ruins it a bit. Secondly, I'd like to say I hate Superman. Can't stand him, wasn't really a huge fan of the first Superman movie even though Reeve was ridiculously charismatic and entertaining to watch. Didn't like 2-4 nor Returns. They were all bad to me though I know people love 2.

The TDK trilogy are my favorite comic book movies easily, I find that no movie even comes close to touching those 3. Well I think we finally have a movie that comes close maybe even tops them. I walked out of this movie and the first thing out of my mouth was "wow" This movie blew my mind.

First off I need to talk about the story because it is star of this movie. Its very slow and deliberate, it takes its sweet time introducing to characters, themes, situations and it does it brilliantly. But once the action starts to ramp, man oh man woo it takes you for a wild ride. I guess what I'm saying is that the pace is perfect, you never feel bored. You're always really interested in these characters because they are all so fleshed out and you understand where they all are coming from even Zod. The acting in this movie is just phenomenal.

Holy crap Henry Cavill just delivers like Bale (who I think is the best Batman hands down) did for me in Batman Begin. He is just perfect, he brings the emotion when he needs to, he's crazy charismatic even more so than Reeve was. He is who people will think of when they think of Superman now. I thought for sure he'd be out shined by Shannon as Zod but thankfully he was not. That's not a knock on Shannon, no no just a huge compliment to Cavill. Shannon is terrifying as Zod, absolutely terrifying. The man is completely crazy but yet you perfectly understand where he is coming from. His motives make complete sense and while he's the villain, he doesn't really have evil motives.

The side characters are all very strong especially Lois Lane, Jor El, and the Kents. I dare anyone not to tear up a few times when we are with the Kents, holy every scene with them is just so emotional and Costner/Lane bring their A game. Russell Crowe just nails it as Jor El, he's a man who wants to do whats best and he is also very caring and wise. You believe this man has seen things and imbues all the wisdom he has to deliever to Superman but also that he could kick some ass when he needs to. I can't describe how much I hated Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, wow she was bad. Thankfully Amy Adams does a 180 with the role and she is phenomenal, very strong powerful woman. I love that she is more of a hands on type reporter this time and the directions they take her character are really awesome.

Now the action/visuals. I don't know how to describe the action except to say its just jawdropping. You thought The Avengers was "epic" in scale (which I actually thought it really wasn't) hahaha no no that doesn't even begin to touch Man of Steel. Every action scene is huge and brutal, you can feel every punch ( yes there are punches in this movie), you can see every action scene perfectly but yet the camera makes you feel like you're there. Just amazing, I don't know how to describe it more vividly without spoiling stuff. This is definitely the first Superman movie where I believed Superman was actually flying, the flying is done perfectly. This movie already has the Oscar for visual effects, hands down. There will easily be no competition. Just the fact that the armor is all cg, wins it for them.

Few last little things, I realize this got a bit longer than brief but I can't stop thinking about this movie. The score is phenomenal, Superman's theme is so inspirational. I don't really have any complaints about the movie, it is the movie of the year so far and its going to be very very very hard to top.

Overall, this is going to be the event movie of the year, people are going to go see this again and again. Its going to be the event movie that TDK was which I feel was the last event movie we had, I realize Avengers made a kajillion dollars but it didn't feel like an event like TDK was. I'll probably see it 3 or 4 more times. Finally, we have a Superman movie worth seeing. It was amazing. 9/10
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Messages : 10637
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Localisation : paris

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Juin - 23:12

moi je dis :

"agenouilles toi devant Tay !!! " respect onseclate

non mais sérieusement, c'est de la dinguerie cette critique ! Shocked faudrait peut - être que j'arrête de les lire, mon cerveau va exploser là ! Shocked afro rendeer albino cherry cheers saut
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:33

Very Happy japrouvecbien

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Elcid ‏@TheRealElcid

I just came from a screening of "Man of Steel". It's an awesome film.See it when it hits theaters June 14th.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:35

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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 145
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Moar bad reactions (both from the same dude)

I just saw Man of Steel and it was heavy duty, odor fighting Glad bags.
It was pretty bad. One of the worst superhero movies I've ever seen.

Citation :

Still trying to decide my feelings about #ManofSteel. I liked it, just not sure how much.

Man of Steel is the best movie of the year so far! Pretty close to a DKR liking. Let the ________ begin! I won't give any spoilers away lol.

Citation :
George Dupuis Wilson ‏@DupuisGeorge

Man of Steel is a awesome movie....go see it when it comes out on the 14th....head is killing me from being so loud. good night.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:40

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Join Date: May 2012
Location: USA - NWA
Posts: 680
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Just saw an early screening of #ManOfSteel with @brightjungthing .... Long, but so damn good ... #Superman
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:45

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Joanna Langfield Joanna Langfield ‏@Joannalangfield

Man of Steel: a lot to digest, but quite an awesome spin on the classic. Gonna have fun reviewing this one; the real fun is watching it roll

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Just saw man of steel and thought it was never going to end. It was 2hrs too long.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:46

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robertliefeld ‏@robertliefeld 22m

Man of Steel has to change the nature of comic films. It has to!
Ryan Pominville Ryan Pominville ‏@RDPomin 22m

@robertliefeld I think Avengers did last year.
robertliefeld robertliefeld ‏@robertliefeld 20m

@RDPomin no, still jokey,goofy.
Ryan Pominville Ryan Pominville ‏@RDPomin 20m

@robertliefeld The battle scenes were immense. You never saw anything like that not even in Spider-Man movies.
robertliefeld robertliefeld ‏@robertliefeld 10m

@RDPomin man of steel is bigger. I'm talking beyond scale, more towards depth.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:48

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Pretty Ngozi ‏@Neni_Minaj

Just finished watching Man of Steel and it was the truth!!! This new Superman looks extra good lol! #goodtimes
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:49

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My only major complaint: Man of Steel ended and I will have to wait over a week to see it again:

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:52

Citation :
Originally Posted by Ozymandias
My favorite superhero films in order prior to Man of Steel:

1. The Dark Knight
2. Avengers
3. Batman Begins
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Iron Man 1
6. X-Men 2
7. Watchmen
8. Captain America: TFA
9. X-Men: First Class
10. Spider-Man 2

Where does Man of Steel fit in? Definitely somewhere in the top 5. I'm tempted to put it at #2. I just can't put it above The Dark Knight because of Ledger's performance and the fact that I grew up more of a Batman fan than Superman.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:54

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Joe Berkowitz ‏@JoeBerkowitz 25m
Saw me some Man of Steel tonight. I have minor qualms, but overall it's great and it's insane that movies can look this cool now.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:55

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So, just saw Man of Steel at a early screening this afternoon. I was kindly invited by a friend, for which I am grateful to him.

The screening was about 90% full, all adults. Maybe critics, movie insiders, WB people and their friends.

This review is spoiler free.

The music by Hans Zimmer is surprisingly good, I'll definitely have to buy the soundtrack when it comes out. It perfectly matches the mood of the film. Its no John Williams, but its great in its own right.

Visuals are fantastic. CGI is pretty good. Can't say I was a fan of the 3D but they did a solid job. Won't stop me from going to an IMAX 2D showing of this on opening day.

There's plenty of action. If people are wondering if its too fast, don't worry, its perfectly watchable. The trailer just cut tiny bits of it to make it appear extremely quick. There's no slow motion. The last half hour in particular is out out of this world epic scale.

Performances. All great.

Henry Cavil. I can't say I'm a fan of his previous work, but he really does a good portrayal of Superman. I must say I'm a big fan of the punching (who isn't?).

However, the real winner is probably Michael Shannon, who was fantastic. I've only seen him in Take Shelter (which he also did an excellent job), but he shows why Hollywood shouldn't ignore him. He is intense and extremely menacing. He fits his character perfectly. I wouldn't say Shannon quite matches Heath Ledger's legendary Joker performance, but he is for sure the second best villain I've seen in a comic book movie. He steals the show for me.

Antje Traue was pretty good too. Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne did solid jobs for their part. Russell Crowe does his best, really pulling off despair for his planet and worry for his son.

Costner was great. I think his performance as Clark Kent's father was moving at times. I kinda wish I got to see more of him.

Criticisms, the character development felt a tad rushed, but within context of the film, its perfectly fine I guess. I prefer to see the movie a second time before I start poking it for problems.

I have to congratulate Snyder and Goyer on the film. We got a perfectly enjoyable modern Superman movie. WB strikes gold ocne again.


If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them, but will spoiler tag everything if it involves the story.

Moving up my predict to 95/310
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 8:58

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Dapper, yet deadly.

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Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Originally Posted by Notrip
Better than TDK. Where does it rate on your list of All-time best CBM? How are the fight scenes compared to Spider-man 2? Is it better than Spider-man 2?
The fight scenes in SM2 are great, but the MOS fight scenes are greater. Much greater.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:00

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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 84
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Originally Posted by moviefan!
Alisa Lai @Caligirl_05
@LouisVanAmstel @dexterxdexter @Sherry_1013 @nikkizeglen Saw a special screening of Superman: Man of Steel! Great movie! Lots of action!

Frank Miller @FrankInStereo
Still processing my thoughts on Man of Steel. My first reaction was "I want to see that again." Take that as a good sign.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:02

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Ryan Higgins
Just saw Man of Steel. I don't know what I'm allowed to say, but my god, it's incredible. Action and Man (of Steel), all in one. Speechless.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:03

Citation :
Originally Posted by moviefan!
Rigel @SciFiFanGirl616
Just finished watching Man of Steel in 3D. It was pretty good. More action then story but still a good mix.

Originally Posted by moviefan!
Jason Bolton @jbolt
Small review: Man of Steel was so freaking epic! So much action, yet it has an actual story unlike a Bay movie. Finally Superman done right!
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:04

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Mel Valentin @FyodorFish
To borrow a phrase from a friend, MAN OF STEEL is t/Superman we should have had 15, no 20 years ago. 4/5
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Jonathan Lally
Man of Steel made up for that piece of poop Bryan Singer directed years ago.
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Man of Steel is superb.
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Patrick Melton
Just saw MAN OF STEEL. A truly epic cinematic experience. Absolutely fantastic.

Citation :
Chris Hernandez Lara
Man of steel just got me excited for the Justice League movie! It was awesome!

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Peter Parker
Got to see Man of Steel, no if's, and's, or but's about it
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:08

Citation :
Originally Posted by Art Damage
I may have to carry a main problem over into the spoiler discussion. I just felt there was a moment in particular that felt really out of place.

Everything just seemed to flow more consistently with BB than in MOS. It's not like MOS is a mess script wise or anything, far from it...but there were moments where things don't feel as developed and we feel a need to get rushed to a certain spot.

If I had to rank the team of Goyer and Nolan as far as writing and putting together DC movies goes...


I mean this is Snyder's film and all...so he does a fine job directing (it feels like his most grounded and 'realistic' work in years) but if we want to rank it by those standards I mentioned above...they're as follows.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:09

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Douglas Eboch ‏@dougeboch 1m
Man of Steel verdict: kinda hit and miss.

Citation :
Greathouse ‏@greathouse2008 1m
I got to go see an early showing of Man Of Steel. I thought I was a great/fun movie. I would recommend highly to anyone.]moviefan!

Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
this guy has a lot of followers

مثلي الجنس
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MAN OF STEEL WAS SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD. Henry Cavill is the perfect Clent Clark/Superman.
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King Martin Louis
Man of Steel was absolutely amazing.

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Sean Thomas
Man of Steel was terrific!!

Nolan has a special touch w/ comic movies.

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Jodi Bacon
2 super sized thumbs up for Man of Steel. Very well done.

Merci à moviefan.
Citation :

Originally Posted by moviefan!
Jake Niehaus
#ManofSteel was good...but I can't say it was great. It was easily the summer movie I was looking forward to the most....but still
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Jose Alonso jr @alonso_josejr
Man of steel screening its was great movie but if your a true fan of him you probably will be disappointed, but overall it was good
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Elcid @TheRealElcid
I just came from a screening of "Man of Steel". It's an awesome film.See it when it hits theaters June 14th.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:16

Citation :
Some dude on reddit:

"I was fortunate enough to get tickets from a friend for a screening in Atlantic Station in Atlanta. I won't say anything about plot points, but I will say that this movie is AMAZING and I can't wait to see it again next week. Henry Cavill is perfect as Superman and Amy Adams is an awesome choice for Lois."

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Facebook review:

Shannon Rose HollyWood · 358 followers
10 minutes ago near Lakeland, FL ·
I was one of the first people to see Superman tonight and my thoughts...

Maybe I am just used to the same story and if you are CLEAR YOUR MIND as this story may confuse you if you are going in with the Reeve comparisons.

I liked it BUT not loved it...BUT since its by the same guy that brought us Batman and the first Batman was OKAY I will let him do his magic...

BUT there will never be another Christopher Reeve as Superman...

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Daniel Baxter @SimpleCap
Got to attend a screening of Man of Steel tonight. I won't spoil a thing except to say, it IS everything you hope. So amazing! #rebooooot
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:17

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Remember how you loved those crazy-powerful Hulk scenes in Avengers? That's EVERY fight scene in #ManOfSteel. Go see it. June 14.
4:29pm - 5 Jun 13

Rick D. @ricardodlp
@hey_sany @heyjuanp man of steel was aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiight

Flor Morales @selaroMrolF
Man of Steel was so great I'm still pondering what happened

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:18

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
justin moir @masterMoir
Man of steel was f........ sick #premier

Yesterday, 10:47 PM #488

Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Lorrie Delon @LorrieDelon
#manofsteel was PERFECT-Y'all go see it for sure!

Yesterday, 10:47 PM #489

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Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Samantha Vargas @Sammisnv
#manofsteel was amazing with @selaroMrolF

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Chris from Kandor!!
@rob_dalby Mate..my whole body is shaking, I got lil tears in my eyes coz of how BRILLIANT the #ManOfSteel was.EPIC!!!! A LOT of Action!!

Yesterday, 10:50 PM #491

Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 479
Re: TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion
Kyle Nolan @kyool
Overall I enjoyed #ManOfSteel, but didn’t like liberties it took w/fundamentals—& there was no need to reboot, #SupermanReturns was great!
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Umar Ansari @thelazypolygon
Friend of mine saw Man of Steel through an advanced screening, says, "Epic-est movie of 2013". #stoked #ManofSteel

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Dinorah Gonzalez
Saw #ManofSteel last night and it is everything I was hoping for and more! Wonderful cast. Great story. Don't miss it! 6/14 @wbpictures
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Messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:38

Bon ben là je crois que ça ne sert plus à rien de garder un embargo hein?
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Messages : 10637
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2010
Localisation : paris

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MessageSujet: Re: Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan   Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 9:48

yes, j'ai lu tous les tweets. cheers

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» Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan
» Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan
» Superman :Man of steel réalisé par Zack Snyder produit par Christopher Nolan
»  Superman réalisé par Zack Snyder, parrainé par Christopher Nolan News/Rumeurs/spéculations Henry Cavill est superman!
»  Superman réalisé par Zack Snyder, parrainé par Christopher Nolan News/Rumeurs/spéculations

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