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 La Justice league ( de Nolan?)

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10 participants
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Messages : 1263
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2010

La Justice league ( de Nolan?) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La Justice league ( de Nolan?)   La Justice league ( de Nolan?) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Aoû - 17:15

Ah d'acc... à voir si ça se confirme en tout cas Wink
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

La Justice league ( de Nolan?) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La Justice league ( de Nolan?)   La Justice league ( de Nolan?) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Aoû - 20:12

Citation :

WHOA that's a lot of comments to read through!

Some of you guys are freaking out for no reason. The script hasn't even been written yet. DC is currently searching for actors to fill these roles first. At the moment they are planning on not including Supes or Bats IN CASE they can't fit them in. That doesn't mean they definitively won't be included; it's an "insurance" decision.

Other things to consider: What if the JLA is formed because Superman dies at the end of his film?

What if these characters are all a part of one universe, and Bats and Supes are not?

What if they want to surprise fans by introducing them at the end?

What if Nolan is so adamant about not having Supes and Bats in it, WB pushes ahead and them throws them in once Nolan is out of the picture?
Pietro Filipponi -
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La Justice league ( de Nolan?)
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