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 Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice

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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 9:07

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Default Re: BvS: Early Tweet Discussion Thread (NO SPOILERS) - Part 4
Originally Posted by Bruce_Begins View Post
Man, I'm waiting for some tweet that says I didn't like Snyder's earlier movies but now (after watching BvS ) I'm a fan of Zack Snyder's style.
All I can is now is WOW!

Bravo Snyder and Affleck and the whole cast!

Me and the 4 friends we went with are mind blown with what we just experienced!

Can wait to see it again this weekend!
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:15

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Do u Bleed? Do ya Punk?

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Default Re: BvS: Early Tweet Discussion Thread (NO SPOILERS) - Part 4
Originally Posted by Bruce_Begins View Post
After reading similar reactions from fellow posters, Can't wait to see this !

At least, I know now that I will like it.

A thoroughly engaging film with great action, visuals, emotion and good performances. Some light humor in good spots and definitely not over the top. The pacing was perfect for a 2 and half hour film and I think Snyder should,be commended.

A top 3 CBM film for me so far!
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:18

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Default Re: Batman v Superman - Reviews Thread [TAG SPOILERS]
great film. Amazing opening scene music.
There's a lot crammed in but it all kind of works. And it's a fun flow. Great performance by Jesse.
The best Batman on screen. The Knightmare Scenes are so cool.
I want a batman mad max movie now!!
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:26

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There's a LOT to digest. It's late and I have to be at work by 9am, so I'll go into more detail tomorrow.

But I will say that I really liked it and had a ****ing blast watching it. People were going nuts in the theater (but obviously I was surrounded by seemingly harcore fans). There's so much about it that I absolutely loved, and a few things/moments I wasn't crazy about and thought were questionable. It's a ballsy movie in some ways, but it pays off.

The best thing I can say about it is that, for me at least, it was a huge improvement over MOS and actually not at all what I expected in some ways. There's much less action than I had thought there would be, and the structure/pacing of the film was different than I had expected based on the trailers. I also don't think any of the trailers nailed the exact tone of BvS and there are many aspects/layers of the story that haven't been in trailers. At it's core, it's essentially like a 2-person character study with things playing out in a way that almost feels Shakespearian or operatic with this triangle between Batman, Superman, and Lex.

Aside from what stands out in the story itself, the cinematography is what's lingering in my mind right now. A lot of beautiful and somewhat cerebral imagery, bits of slow-mo mixed throughout (which wasn't in MOS at all), stylized at times but sometimes shot like a straight drama, and of course, the action was wild. It was like the perfect middle point between MOS and Watchmen in terms of how the film looks. It's both dark and pretty damn colorful at times.

Other quick things I'll elaborate on later: Ben Affleck nailed it in every way, Batman had me geeking out like a little school girl at times, Superman was awesome and ultimately the most important character in the film (I like him better here than in MOS), a lot of world building and Justice League teases/setups that are actually incorporated into the story pretty organically (and will also give everyone here a lot to talk about as we wait for JL), some bizarre and out-there elements, it's long and a slow-burner but was still engrossing through the climax, pretty damn unabashedly comic booky rather than going for gritty realism.

I'm not ready to grade it, rate it, or rank it among other CBMs yet. It's not a perfect movie and I already know the exact things that some of you guys will be picking apart about it, but unlike MOS, the good far outweighs what some might consider "bad" and I'm definitely feeling that crazy after-movie high. Seeing it again this weekend. I don't know what of my opinion will change, but I can talk more about it later today
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:28

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Frank Kemp ‏@FrankKemp3 4 hil y a 4 heures Voir la traduction
@cinemasins @RevJiggles Terminator Genysis > #BatmanvSuperman
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:36

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Tron of Justice ‏@_TronVin_ 1h1 hour ago
There will be no other comic book film like that.

.@_TronVin_ Did Zack actually pulled it off??

Tron of Justice ‏@_TronVin_ 21m21 minutes ago
@cloneleader yes, he did.
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:39

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Joe VargasCompte certifié
What I can say is this... Go out & See Batman V. Superman! It *redacted*! & action like youve NEVER seen b4 in DC & it. changes. EVERYTHING.
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:40

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Connor ‏@ConnorFilm 40m40 minutes ago
Right now, Batman v Superman is a solid 8/10 film for me. It has a few issues, but nothing too detrimental to the overall film. SEE IT!
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:41

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#BatmanvSuperman is one of the most epic films I've ever seen. #batman is perfect. It's one hell of a ride.
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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:44

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Ahmer Farooq
Just finished #BatmanvSuperman. Best superhero movie I've ever seen. Yes, it's better than The Dark Knight. @ZackSnyder goddammit you did it
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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:44

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Batman v Superman was pure comic book genius! Excellent filmmaking. Thank you so much for this epic. #batmanvsuperman
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:45

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 10:47

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Prognosis: Shimbo
#BatmanvSuperman was an awful movie. Justice League will be delayed and later cancelled.
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 11:10

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Originally Posted by ArmsHeldOut View Post
I'm still processing the film, but here are my brief thoughts.

This is a much smarter and nuanced film than the second official trailer would have us believe. So, if you're not a fan of said trailer, you can rest easy now.

I'm going to be honest. Snyder and Terrio really pushed the envelope here (God bless them!) and some fans -- including those who regularly post on this board -- will be taken aback by some of the more controversial aspects of the movie. My advice: keep an open mind.

Some brief details:

This is the Batman we've all been waiting for. Fong's skills are used to full effect in creating a shadowy and Gothic atmosphere matched only by Ben Affleck's own sheer ferocity in the role. Trust me when I say you'll wish you had eidetic memory.

I've never been one of Jesse Eisenberg's strongest supporters, but the man really delivers here. I'll put this in spoilers even though I'm not actually spelling it out for you, but there's an amazing scene

Cavill is a solid Superman, but, if I must be honest, I was hoping for a slightly more introverted/unique take on the Clark Kent persona. That said, I was fine with that in light of how secret identities in general are handled in this film. Let's just say that

You've all heard about the tearjerker scene in BvS. Believe the hype, boys and girls! It was something else! Affleck, in particular, comes through very strong here! I would personally like to thank Snyder for giving us this gem. Say what you will about the man, but he always has the fans in mind!

Gal was fine in the role. Her action scenes were a big hit with the crowd. I only wish they had given her just a bit more dialogue.

Holly Hunter is excellent as Senator Finch.

When you finally learn why such effort was put into keeping Scoot McNairy's role under wraps, you just might **** yourself. If you haven't been spoiled yet, DO NOT try to find out what happens with him. This is something you'll want to experience fresh.

I won't say much more at this time. Again, still processing. Just know that BvS is an incredibly well-crafted film! A lot of thought and energy was clearly put into this thing.

If at all possible, try not to concern yourself too much with the inevitable reactions to some of the aforementioned controversial scenes. WB risked a lot to give us, the fans, something truly special. Consider it a gift. Hope you enjoy!
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 11:12

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* One of the best movies for the superhero genre. Visually stunning, action packed, and everything the genre calls for.
* The IMAX sequences are stunning. It's a must-see in IMAX.
* It's a movie that is called "Batman v Superman", so don't expect too much of one character over the other. It's not one person's movie. The narrative of the story is really driven by both character's worlds, and not one over the other. There's a balance, so expect movement from both sides of each character, separately.
* That being said, the movie definitely crams a bunch, and despite a few pacing issues and certain confusions with the script, the central plot ties together really well using both the titular heroes.
* The "setup for JL" isn't an overbearing presence.
* DC really makes its stamp as to what kind of CBMs they are to Marvel.
* Superman score is about the same as MOS. Batman score is pretty damn good. There's a weird thing going with Wonder Woman/Trinity score that I'm not too fond of.
* Lex for me is a bit hard to make out in terms of his likableness. Jesse Eisenberg does a great job hitting his notes, but Lex is portrayed very off in a way that doesn't sit with me the right way. He is, however, very maniacal, and that I think works for the overall character. I guess it's just something I have to get used to.
* Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, with the screen time that she has, is very cool,
* The third act and ending alone is something I haven't felt in this genre in a while.
* Also should mention that the actual fight between Batman and Superman is truly something else. The IMAX scale brings something refreshing and you feel for both sides of the spectrum. I'm a Superman fan so Henry's performance getting his ass handed to really gutted you. I can not wait for the Ultimate Cut which is supposed to have more of the fight in.
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Default Re: Batman v Superman - Reviews Thread [TAG SPOILERS]
Thoroughly enjoyed the IMAX fan event last night for this film. Without hesitation, Zack Snyder and Chris Terrio caught Marvel with one film. This is easily a mostly smoother version of IRON MAN 2 that feels very self contained, with an
. As presently constructed, it feels a lot like Snyder's theatrical cut of WATCHMEN but better. Yes, it's disjointed in the first half of the film but I'm willing to bet serious money that that's where a lot of that footage for the Ultimate Edition will go. It seems that set up to the film got truncated down. You still understand everything that's going on but it's not as smooth. But once everything converges, it's a ride to the climax of the picture.

While Snyder and WB can call this film a branching film for the larger universe, that's really not what it is. Superman fans can rest easy. This is a solo sequel to MOS, that just happens to have Batman and Wonder Woman in it.

Ben's Batman is the darkest one yet. This sum***** is bent and single minded in his purpose, no matter what Alfred (Jeremy Irons SLAYS in the comedy department) tells him. Hardcore Batman fans might have a problem with his methods and execution of said methods because make no mistake, he kills in this thing. But again, he's bent. Nothing's going to stop him from fulfilling this so called "legacy" he feels is the right thing to do.

Gadot's Wonder Woman is on her own mission. She's a cypher like Black Widow was in IRON MAN 2 but her arrival in the climax...the theatre went ape****. The WONDER WOMAN solo film is going to be just fine, if the script and story is right.

Eisenberg is the master manipulator, completely unhinged in this film. The whole film, he's just off but he's the smartest cat in the room. His comedic bits are wonderfully off the rocker.

Henry Cavill had the toughest job because he's doing a lot of reacting and soul searching in this film. But, he's Superman through and through in this film. It would not surprise me one bit if his story with Lois Lane gets the most footage in the Ultimate Edition. Their story gets short changed a bit but you feel the emotional between them and what they're going through (And I was not prepared for their bathroom scene together in Lois' apartment).

A lot less action than MAN OF STEEL but like that film, Snyder waits til the back half of the film to unleash and by God does he ever. Again, not as much action as the first film.

All in all, I think it's a real good film that might become Snyder's best film once we get a look at what those 30 minutes are and how they work with the rest of the film. As I said early, this is feeling pretty similar to the WATCHMEN situation.

And if you can, see this ***** in IMAX 2D. It is flat out gorgeous.
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 11:18

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Originally Posted by hafizbat View Post
For DC fans, I'd go as far as to say it's a great movie. For the GA, I think it'll be divisive.

Make no mistake, this is a pure Zack Snyder movie. It's closer to Watchmen than Avengers.
It's like Watchmen meets Fury Road
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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 22 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 11:20

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Wild Cherry

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Default Re: Batman v Superman - Reviews Thread [TAG SPOILERS]
Just got back.

Can't say I loved it. I have no doubt hardcore DC fans will love this movie, but I'm doubtful about how the GA and critics will see it.

I'm feeling something between 7-8 out of 10 right now. The flaws make me think 7, but there are some moments of real brilliance which make me think 8. Initial thoughts...

-Incredible visuals
-Superman had the best arc, and Lois was prominent, important, and well done
-The Batman vs Superman conflict is excellently set up and concluded
-Affleck did great as both Bruce and Batman. Lived up to the hype for sure, but*
-Lex Luthor was well done
-There are many moments where you just stare at the screen and bask in the sheer epicness of the trinity.

-The movie was WAY overstuffed, there were a lot of things that were thrown in there because they are individually awesome fan service, but didn't really serve the story.
-The beginning is pretty dull.
-The movie jumps around A LOT, trying to get so much stuff in. Things aren't fleshed out.
-A lot of "weird" stuff that I can see confusing the hell out of non-DC fans.
-Doomsday is everything I was afraid he'd be.

I need another viewing and more time to digest, but I just don't see all these comparisons to TDK or the claims that this is one of the best superhero movies...a ton of overreaction IMO. It was good, better than MOS, but still having many of the issues MOS did.

*I have a major issue with this Batman. Doesn't sit right with me at all, and I'm pretty shocked that they went through with it. It's kind of spoilery..

My favorite parts were the resolution to Batman vs Superman, the Bat-action and Bruce-action, and Superman's arc. I hope my initial thoughts don't sound too negative, because I assure you there are some moments of true brilliance in this movie...it's just surrounded by some Snyder issues.

I'd say it was a brilliant script and mediocre directing. Happy to answer any questions.
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