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 Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice

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The goddamn Heisenberg
23 participants
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Aoû - 21:22


Rumor: Batman V. Superman Screening Gets Standing Ovation, Affleck Getting Long Term Deal

à prendre avec des pincettes.

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Aoû - 21:24

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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Aoû - 22:03


Bon en ce qui concerne BVS, ça reste des exécutifs de la Warner qui ont vu le film. ça m'étonnerait donc pas qu'ils aient aimé le produit quasi-fini. Laughing
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Aoû - 17:14


Plus de détail.
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Aoû - 18:26


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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 14 Aoû - 16:53


According to Henry Cavill, there's only one thing that can stop the DCEU's Superman. "Superman is a complex dude. People think Kryptonite can beat him. No. The only thing that can really beat Superman is Superman. His own noggin messing with him. His own moral choices. When you have that to start with, the storytelling can really delve into something rich.” Does Ben Affleck's Batman understand this about Superman? Will his path to victory in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice come through exploitation of Superman's moral integrity? Previously, Affleck hinted at the larger, master plan for the DCEU that presumably maps out the universe for years. But does Cavill want to play Superman for the next decade or so? “It’s a wonderful role. There’s a huge potential there for complex storytelling, and I’m looking forward to exploring those avenues. Come on, it’s Superman! You can’t be pissed off at the idea of playing Superman for the rest of your life. 'Oh sorry, I’m just the grandaddy of all superheroes. It’s such a pain.’" a écrit:
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Aoû - 16:59


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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Aoû - 18:29

Ca expliquerait pas mal de choses, je crois..
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Aoû - 18:54

Ouais, ouais comme
dans les trailers. ça sent le chantage.
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMer 19 Aoû - 0:44


Citation :
People’s Choice: What did you enjoy about tackling the wardrobes for Batman v Superman?

Michael Wilkinson: There’s nothing I like more than a challenge. I love to get outside my comfort zone and go to new creative places. Designing the costumes for Batman v Superman really allowed me to do this. It was an incredible 18 month experience with a costume department that at times swelled to 75 people. It is rare to have the opportunity to explore the visual world of a film in such depth, and I was accompanied on this journey by the world’s best costume experts. It’s a chapter of my life that I will never forget.

What sort of research went into creating Batman and Wonder Woman’s looks?

Wilkinson: To get ready to design the costumes for Batman v Superman, I really did my homework. I immersed myself in the long histories of these iconic characters — Superman [Henry Cavill], Batman [Ben Affleck], and Wonder Woman [Gal Gadot]— I studied how they have been portrayed over the last 75 years on film, on TV, in comic books, graphic novels and video games. I studied what they mean to people, what they stand for, why they are important. I started an exhaustive search for new materials and technologies — original ways of portraying these characters that would be unlike anything audiences have seen before. I wanted the costumes to help make the characters inspirational and relevant to modern audiences.

How are this film’s costumes different than what we’ve seen in previous films?

We tweaked the Superman suit only slightly from our suit from Man of Steel. We streamlined plus sharpened the details of the costume a little to suit the more earthly (less alien) context of this film. The batsuit is a complete 180 degree turn from the previous film incarnations — our Batman’s power comes from his incredible physical strength and fighting skills, not from armor. The director Zack Snyder wanted him to look as much like the comic book version as possible — to be respectful to the original source. As for the Wonder Woman suit, well she has never been seen in a film before, so there was nothing to compare it to! There is of course the costume from the TV show. Zack wanted our character to be a fierce and intimidating warrior — gritty, battle-scarred and immortal.

Should fans look out for anything in particular when it comes to the costumes?

Zack had a great idea to have some kryptonian script subliminally included in the details of the suit, so we made that happen. There is ancient Greek script on Wonder Woman’s weapons too. My favorite details of the batsuit are the brass knuckles on the gloves.

What was Ben Affleck like at his first fitting? How did he react to the suit?

From the moment Ben had the suit on in the first fitting he was hooked. He liked the way it made him feel – powerful and intimidating.

What was it like collaborating with the rest of the all-star cast—Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa?

The cast for the film were all amazing. Everyone was so excited to be working on such a cool, high-profile project. I wanted them all to look as impactful as possible. The fitting room was a very upbeat and inspiring environment.

How involved was director Zack Snyder in the process? What sort of feedback would he give you?

Zack was there at every step of the way — initial meetings, concept design, prototyping, fittings, camera tests. His energy and passion were phenomenal. It was the fifth film that we have done together, so by now we pretty much finish each other’s sentences!

You previously worked on Man of Steel. How many of those costumes carried over to this film?

Only the main superman costume. Everything else is new!

Did anyone beg to keep a memento from the costume department?

It was pretty hard to get Jason to get out of his Aquaman costume. It really became part of him. And Amy was rather attached to her winter coats and trenches.

Where did the costumes go after filming ended?

The hero suits begin a world-wide publicity tour in the next few months. They will be seen everywhere from Tokyo to L.A.

What was the most challenging part of creating this film’s wardrobe?

Trying to keep the stamina going for an 18-month project. Trying to make sure every decision I make is the most original one. Trying to make sure that I have put the maximum amount of passion and intelligence to every costume I put in front of the camera.

What’s one thing that would surprise us about the film’s costumes?

I think that most people would be surprised to hear that my approach to designing the costumes for Batman v Superman is similar to my approach on a film like American Hustle, even though the genres of the films are so different. I work out what ideas and mood I want to convey to the audience for each character, and aim to capture them using color, texture and silhouette. The choice of fabric and materials is absolutely crucial to my process. I always try to make bold, surprising, sophisticated choices when it comes to sourcing materials and using technology.

Any particularly fun anecdotes or memories from set?

I think I have to wait until closer to the film’s release to spill any beans. Ask me again next March!

Are you lined up to work on any of the Justice League films?

Again my lips are sealed. All I can say is that I am very excited about the year to come.

You also have Joy coming up. What can you tease in regards to those costumes? What was it like re-teaming with Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, and David O. Russell?

I think the trailer says it all. The film is going to be an impassioned, highly original work that will blow any expectations out of the water. Jen is a dream — so much fun to be around, her energy is infectious and her talents are immense. She had 35 costumes in the film that spanned over 30 years. David O. Russell was after a timeless, classic look that avoids the clichés and expectations of a given decade — so the film has a very special, genuine look.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Aoû - 1:00

Spoilers possible.

Trés interessant.
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Aoû - 11:43


Citation :
Si vous nous suivez sur Twitter, vous avez peut-être pu entendre parler des rumeurs qui voulaient que les cadres de Warner Bros aient pu assister à des projections privées du prochain film de Zack Snyder, Batman v Superman.

Et il se trouve que le plus important d'entre-eux, Kevin Tsjuihara, CEO du studio, vient de confirmer l'existence de pareilles projections, qui auraient mené le chanceux public à ovationner ce bon Zack, en plus d'installer Ben Affleck au poste de "definitive Batman" - Rien que ça.

"L'été aurait été plus beau" confie-t-il au Hollywood Reporter, si le film de Zack Snyder était sorti, comme c'était d'abord prévu, en juillet 2015 : "C'était une décision difficile puisque cela allait créer un vide en 2015. Mais c'était la meilleure solution, pour DC et le film. Je l'ai vu plusieurs fois, et une fois de plus la nuit dernière, je suis très confiant, choisir d'améliorer le film était la bonne décision. Avoir de bonnes bases pour DC est très important pour le studio."

S'il ne faut jurer de rien avant d'avoir vu le film, on se laissera prendre au jeu de cette promotion à moitié secrète qui ne fait qu'augmenter notre impatience. On peut également parier sur l'annonce prochaine non pas d'un mais de plusieurs films Batman avec Ben Affleck, dont les deux prochains projets hors DC viennent d'ailleurs d'être repoussés.

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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Aoû - 1:26

Citation :
Early rumors said Warner Bros. wanted to incorporate Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" trilogy into the DC Extended Universe, cementing Christian Bale as the universe's Batman. Were you a fan of that idea or are you happy that Ben Affleck will be introduced as Batman?

Source : DC Extended Universe.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Aoû - 12:15


El Mayimbe vient de balancer dans un tweet le nom de Amazo, trés étonné. Maybe alors qu'on s'est tous fait avoir et qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un Doomsday qui affronte les héros à la fin?

OU il serait l'ennemi ( ou un des ennemis) de la ligue?

En tous cas, les possibilités en terme de combat interessants sont grandes avec lui Smile
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Messages : 2121
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Aoû - 19:26

Un Amazo créé par Luthor? Pourquoi pas.
Mais en ennemi de la JL ça le ferait bien! japrouvecbien
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Aoû - 21:30

Je les vois plus partir sur quelque chose de moins "grounded" pour Justice League, limite une adaptation de Crisis on Infinite Earth avec Darkseid/Brainiac en vilain.

Mais Amazo dans MOS2, c'est largement possible aussi. ça expliquerait pourquoi
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Sep - 0:13

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 11225209_1462255717416297_1519957695033399117_n


Merci à ArKam Nightwing.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Sep - 1:05

Hoo le joli montage angélique
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Sep - 1:19

Ils auraient pu enlever les "lunettes" à Batsy.

Risque de spoiler si ça se confirme :

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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Sep - 19:52

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Crop2_batmobile3


Citation :
Du 4 septembre au 21 décembre prochain, les fans qui auront la chance se rendre dans les studios de Warner Bros pourront, entre autres, admirer la nouvelle Batmobile, celle qui sera pilotée par Ben Affleck dans Batman v Superman.

L'occasion pour nous de la revoir en action, un peu poussiéreuse mais toujours aussi badass :

Elle en jette, bien agressive. japrouvecbien

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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Sep - 23:52

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 BVS-20418-CC_900_55e9de20f38270.44527475


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Messages : 9974
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2009
Localisation : Twin Peaks

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Sep - 0:24

Elle est chouette cette batmobile japrouvecbien
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Sep - 1:17

J'avoue, un bon compromis entre le réalisme et le cartoonesque. japrouvecbien
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The goddamn Heisenberg
The goddamn Heisenberg

Messages : 988
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Sep - 10:35


6 images en meilleure qualité.
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Messages : 5444
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2009
Localisation : Malibu

Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice   Batman v superman : Dawn of Justice - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Sep - 23:05

Doctor_Ash a écrit:
Elle est chouette cette batmobile japrouvecbien

Yop japrouvecbien
Et quand je vois la jolie mitrailleuse à l'avant je me dis que Snyder va faire péter un Batman au moins aussi subtile que son Superman (et qui ne risque pas du tout de me faire rager).
Mais sinon cool design (et du coup je préfère la version Suicide Squad rapport à la mitrailleuse justement).
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