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 The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!

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Archie Leach
Chanandler Bong
31 participants
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Messages : 3700
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2010
Localisation : Arkham

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 8:33

Ouais la je sais pas ou veut en venir le pére Nolan confused (bon en même temps ca doit être son objectif). Cependant un retour de lka ligue des ombres et de Ras je m'y attendais pas du tout.

En tout cas je suis vraiment curieux de voir comment l'histoire va s'articuler entre les différents bad guy.
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Messages : 3123
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2009

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 9:35

Cool pour Josh Pence, à moins qu'on lui apprenne que son visage sera remplacé en post-prod' par une version numérique rajeunie de Neeson. Smile
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 11:02

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Messages : 3044
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2010
Localisation : Bonne question

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 11:52

Tayelore a écrit:
Tom_Man a écrit:
Eh ben Nolan va réutiliser les flashbacks alors ... Je me demande ce que ça va donner, surtout avec le retour de la ligue des ombres ... Mmmmh j'ai hâte de voir le travail fini Very Happy

Me too. Ji voulais pas, mais vraiment pas à la base, mais aprés tout. voir l'article angélique hihihihi en tous cas, je suis trés étonné. On peut se dire que Bane vient de la ligue non? angélique

J'avoue qu'avec ce qu'a reporté Chanand à propos des dires dires de Devin Faracci ca pourrait coller ...

Nempêche que le père Nolan nous a encore bien eu, personne mais alors personne ne voyait ce concept de retour scratch
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 11:52


Citation :
Originally Posted by batman11
I tried to do the same thing, in attempting to conjure a history that would weave together Bane and the Al Ghul family, yet not necessarily make Bane a member of the LoS (although it seems we're on the path to that). If you check the first few pages in here, you'll find one of my posts regarding my initial thoughts. Since I kind of wrote it in haste, however, I figured I'd flesh it out again here (plus, it's fun to try to be creative in such a free, yet strangely restrictive situation):

As has been mentioned several times in this thread, there is some speculation that the "great love" Ra's speaks of in Begins is connected to this whole flashback stuff. My idea was to have Bane's father responsible for the death of Ra's' wife. Bane's father, who is a notorious criminal and violent man, commits a slew of crimes, one of which is murdering Ra's' wife. As Ra's mentions in Begins, he sought vengeance, and was successful. In short, Ra's kills Bane's father. But that wasn't good enough. The man had wronged too many people, and murdering him wasn't enough; justice is balance, and there needed to be something else done. So, Ra's arranges for Bane, a child, to be imprisoned in order to serve the remainder of his father's crimes. In this backstory, both Bane and Talia would be young children, roughly Bruce's age (young Bruce, that is).

Bane, now essentially a prisoner for life, longs for nothing but revenge. He makes himself the absolute best he can be, because he knows he will need to be at the peak physical and intellectual perfection to take on the League by himself. And so time passes, as such a feat is not accomplished overnight. But then, there are rumblings. Whispers. Rumors. The League has a new warrior. The League is mobilizing. Finally, Bane learns of their demise, at the hands of a mysterious new figure in Gotham City. Bane learns of Batman and his methods and ideals, and comes to obsess over the Dark Knight. All those years of training and biding his time to exact his revenge have been wasted; someone beat him to the punch. As such, he turns his attention strictly onto Batman. He wants to know what he is, who he is, and why he exists. He wants to destroy him. He wants to break him. And then he escapes.

Obviously the details there are a little foggy towards the end, but I'm sure the blanks can be filled in with some interesting stuff. As I said, it's merely a creative solution to the issue of trying to tie Bane and Ra's, but without changing Bane too much. The father/prison origin are still in tact, as is his personal perfection, as opposed to learning from the League (although the League is the reason Bane pushes himself so far - he needs to better than all of them). Where Talia fits in all of this, however, I'm not sure.

There are a few things that I find really interesting about it, in terms of the mirroring of Bruce and Bane. Here's a bit of a convoluted list:

Bruce comes from Gotham's favorite family. Bane comes from one of ???'s (location, wherever) most hated families. Bruce's parents are murdered by a petty criminal. Bane's father is murdered by a criminal mastermind. Ra's rescues Bruce from prison, and Bruce reaches the peak of his perfection. Ra's puts Bane in prison, and Bane reaches the peak of his perfection. Bruce escapes the League with a purpose. Bane escapes prison with a purpose. Bruce kills Ra's, and Bane breaks Bruce.

As such, we get a really cool link here. Ra's is directly (and indirectly) responsible for the birth of both Batman and Bane. But it is the way in which he treats both men that causes such a divergence, essentially creating Batman and the anti-Batman. And so, two children, both born of notorious families and then orphaned, both with such paralleling paths embark on this almost pre-determined quest that unquestionably draws them to each other. Their destinies have been intertwined since before they could have possibly imagined, and everything is leading up to the point where their paths converge in a climactic meeting where one must rise, and one must fall. Everything in their lives has been leading to that moment.

Anyhow, that's just some of my rambling. I hope you enjoyed that, especially considering we both seemed to be on the same wavelength in terms of trying to analyze and deduce possible scenarios. This is my creative solution, and I kinda like it (as noted, I particularly like the further mirroring of Bruce and Bane). I think it would be pretty cool, but as with all of Nolan's films, I never try to expect anything of them, because I know he's going to do something I'll have never even considered. I trust that he will make it work. And I can't wait.

Yes? No?
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Chanandler Bong
Chanandler Bong

Messages : 6767
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2010
Localisation : au bar, en train de se taper une vodka martini !

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 11:57

Tom_Man a écrit:
Tayelore a écrit:
Tom_Man a écrit:
Eh ben Nolan va réutiliser les flashbacks alors ... Je me demande ce que ça va donner, surtout avec le retour de la ligue des ombres ... Mmmmh j'ai hâte de voir le travail fini Very Happy

Me too. Ji voulais pas, mais vraiment pas à la base, mais aprés tout. voir l'article angélique hihihihi en tous cas, je suis trés étonné. On peut se dire que Bane vient de la ligue non? angélique

J'avoue qu'avec ce qu'a reporté Chanand à propos des dires dires de Devin Faracci ca pourrait coller ...

Nempêche que le père Nolan nous a encore bien eu, personne mais alors personne ne voyait ce concept de retour scratch

c'est pour ca que je dis qu'on s'ets bient fait ni**er parce que et d'une c'est un retour que personne n'attendait vraiment et de deux c'ets une news qui a debarqué pile quand on s'y attendait pas Laughing
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Chanandler Bong
Chanandler Bong

Messages : 6767
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2010
Localisation : au bar, en train de se taper une vodka martini !

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:02

Tayelore a écrit:

Citation :
Originally Posted by batman11
I tried to do the same thing, in attempting to conjure a history that would weave together Bane and the Al Ghul family, yet not necessarily make Bane a member of the LoS (although it seems we're on the path to that). If you check the first few pages in here, you'll find one of my posts regarding my initial thoughts. Since I kind of wrote it in haste, however, I figured I'd flesh it out again here (plus, it's fun to try to be creative in such a free, yet strangely restrictive situation):

As has been mentioned several times in this thread, there is some speculation that the "great love" Ra's speaks of in Begins is connected to this whole flashback stuff. My idea was to have Bane's father responsible for the death of Ra's' wife. Bane's father, who is a notorious criminal and violent man, commits a slew of crimes, one of which is murdering Ra's' wife. As Ra's mentions in Begins, he sought vengeance, and was successful. In short, Ra's kills Bane's father. But that wasn't good enough. The man had wronged too many people, and murdering him wasn't enough; justice is balance, and there needed to be something else done. So, Ra's arranges for Bane, a child, to be imprisoned in order to serve the remainder of his father's crimes. In this backstory, both Bane and Talia would be young children, roughly Bruce's age (young Bruce, that is).

Bane, now essentially a prisoner for life, longs for nothing but revenge. He makes himself the absolute best he can be, because he knows he will need to be at the peak physical and intellectual perfection to take on the League by himself. And so time passes, as such a feat is not accomplished overnight. But then, there are rumblings. Whispers. Rumors. The League has a new warrior. The League is mobilizing. Finally, Bane learns of their demise, at the hands of a mysterious new figure in Gotham City. Bane learns of Batman and his methods and ideals, and comes to obsess over the Dark Knight. All those years of training and biding his time to exact his revenge have been wasted; someone beat him to the punch. As such, he turns his attention strictly onto Batman. He wants to know what he is, who he is, and why he exists. He wants to destroy him. He wants to break him. And then he escapes.

Obviously the details there are a little foggy towards the end, but I'm sure the blanks can be filled in with some interesting stuff. As I said, it's merely a creative solution to the issue of trying to tie Bane and Ra's, but without changing Bane too much. The father/prison origin are still in tact, as is his personal perfection, as opposed to learning from the League (although the League is the reason Bane pushes himself so far - he needs to better than all of them). Where Talia fits in all of this, however, I'm not sure.

There are a few things that I find really interesting about it, in terms of the mirroring of Bruce and Bane. Here's a bit of a convoluted list:

Bruce comes from Gotham's favorite family. Bane comes from one of ???'s (location, wherever) most hated families. Bruce's parents are murdered by a petty criminal. Bane's father is murdered by a criminal mastermind. Ra's rescues Bruce from prison, and Bruce reaches the peak of his perfection. Ra's puts Bane in prison, and Bane reaches the peak of his perfection. Bruce escapes the League with a purpose. Bane escapes prison with a purpose. Bruce kills Ra's, and Bane breaks Bruce.

As such, we get a really cool link here. Ra's is directly (and indirectly) responsible for the birth of both Batman and Bane. But it is the way in which he treats both men that causes such a divergence, essentially creating Batman and the anti-Batman. And so, two children, both born of notorious families and then orphaned, both with such paralleling paths embark on this almost pre-determined quest that unquestionably draws them to each other. Their destinies have been intertwined since before they could have possibly imagined, and everything is leading up to the point where their paths converge in a climactic meeting where one must rise, and one must fall. Everything in their lives has been leading to that moment.

Anyhow, that's just some of my rambling. I hope you enjoyed that, especially considering we both seemed to be on the same wavelength in terms of trying to analyze and deduce possible scenarios. This is my creative solution, and I kinda like it (as noted, I particularly like the further mirroring of Bruce and Bane). I think it would be pretty cool, but as with all of Nolan's films, I never try to expect anything of them, because I know he's going to do something I'll have never even considered. I trust that he will make it work. And I can't wait.

Yes? No?

c'ets très sympa (surtout le parallèle Bane/batman).... mais est ce que je suis le seul a "m'inquiéter" du fait que si le lien entre BB et TDKR est si fort (que ce soit cette histoire là ou une autre) ca fasse presque passer TDK pour une "parenthèse" !
J'ai pas approfondi le truc, juste une question que je me pose....
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:08

Non, non, je comprends qu'on puisse penser ça. Sauff, Chanand, si la fin de Tdk et ses conséquence est toujours d'importances Wink et la je te renvoie à ce que je disais sur le blog.
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Messages : 5871
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Londres

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:28

Et catwoman dans tous ca Laughing Mon cerveau fond What a Face
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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:30

Tayelore a écrit:

C'est officiel le jeune Ra's (si c'est à quoi tu fais référence) le puit on est d'acc évidement.Smile


Ah ba??? bon ba j'ai rien hein Laughing faut le suivre le père Nolan la.... Laughing

Green lantern?? ah ui j'ai rien écris ... this is awesome , EPIC !!!!!! Very Happy
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:48

Kaizus a écrit:
Et catwoman dans tous ca Laughing Mon cerveau fond What a Face

Laughing Ben j'adresse catwoman?
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:51

freakshit a écrit:

Ah ba??? bon ba j'ai rien hein Laughing faut le suivre le père Nolan la.... Laughing

troplol Faut surtout suivre les news sur le blog hein Evil or Very Mad troplol

Citation :
Green lantern?? ah ui j'ai rien écris ... this is awesome , EPIC !!!!!! Very Happy

Very Happy Bah oui, mais tu dis riennn, sauf pour diree ouais, c'est pas vrai la news officielle que j'ai pas luu laa Evil or Very Mad troplol

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Messages : 3800
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2009
Localisation : Lyon

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:53

Tayelore a écrit:
freakshit a écrit:

Ah ba??? bon ba j'ai rien hein Laughing faut le suivre le père Nolan la.... Laughing

troplol Faut surtout suivre les news sur le blog hein Evil or Very Mad troplol

Citation :
Green lantern?? ah ui j'ai rien écris ... this is awesome , EPIC !!!!!! Very Happy

Very Happy Bah oui, mais tu dis riennn, sauf pour diree ouais, c'est pas vrai la news officielle que j'ai pas luu laa Evil or Very Mad troplol

Laughing Oui j'avoue .... Rolling Eyes
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Messages : 3700
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2010
Localisation : Arkham

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:53

Chanandler Bong a écrit:
Tayelore a écrit:

Citation :
Originally Posted by batman11
I tried to do the same thing, in attempting to conjure a history that would weave together Bane and the Al Ghul family, yet not necessarily make Bane a member of the LoS (although it seems we're on the path to that). If you check the first few pages in here, you'll find one of my posts regarding my initial thoughts. Since I kind of wrote it in haste, however, I figured I'd flesh it out again here (plus, it's fun to try to be creative in such a free, yet strangely restrictive situation):

As has been mentioned several times in this thread, there is some speculation that the "great love" Ra's speaks of in Begins is connected to this whole flashback stuff. My idea was to have Bane's father responsible for the death of Ra's' wife. Bane's father, who is a notorious criminal and violent man, commits a slew of crimes, one of which is murdering Ra's' wife. As Ra's mentions in Begins, he sought vengeance, and was successful. In short, Ra's kills Bane's father. But that wasn't good enough. The man had wronged too many people, and murdering him wasn't enough; justice is balance, and there needed to be something else done. So, Ra's arranges for Bane, a child, to be imprisoned in order to serve the remainder of his father's crimes. In this backstory, both Bane and Talia would be young children, roughly Bruce's age (young Bruce, that is).

Bane, now essentially a prisoner for life, longs for nothing but revenge. He makes himself the absolute best he can be, because he knows he will need to be at the peak physical and intellectual perfection to take on the League by himself. And so time passes, as such a feat is not accomplished overnight. But then, there are rumblings. Whispers. Rumors. The League has a new warrior. The League is mobilizing. Finally, Bane learns of their demise, at the hands of a mysterious new figure in Gotham City. Bane learns of Batman and his methods and ideals, and comes to obsess over the Dark Knight. All those years of training and biding his time to exact his revenge have been wasted; someone beat him to the punch. As such, he turns his attention strictly onto Batman. He wants to know what he is, who he is, and why he exists. He wants to destroy him. He wants to break him. And then he escapes.

Obviously the details there are a little foggy towards the end, but I'm sure the blanks can be filled in with some interesting stuff. As I said, it's merely a creative solution to the issue of trying to tie Bane and Ra's, but without changing Bane too much. The father/prison origin are still in tact, as is his personal perfection, as opposed to learning from the League (although the League is the reason Bane pushes himself so far - he needs to better than all of them). Where Talia fits in all of this, however, I'm not sure.

There are a few things that I find really interesting about it, in terms of the mirroring of Bruce and Bane. Here's a bit of a convoluted list:

Bruce comes from Gotham's favorite family. Bane comes from one of ???'s (location, wherever) most hated families. Bruce's parents are murdered by a petty criminal. Bane's father is murdered by a criminal mastermind. Ra's rescues Bruce from prison, and Bruce reaches the peak of his perfection. Ra's puts Bane in prison, and Bane reaches the peak of his perfection. Bruce escapes the League with a purpose. Bane escapes prison with a purpose. Bruce kills Ra's, and Bane breaks Bruce.

As such, we get a really cool link here. Ra's is directly (and indirectly) responsible for the birth of both Batman and Bane. But it is the way in which he treats both men that causes such a divergence, essentially creating Batman and the anti-Batman. And so, two children, both born of notorious families and then orphaned, both with such paralleling paths embark on this almost pre-determined quest that unquestionably draws them to each other. Their destinies have been intertwined since before they could have possibly imagined, and everything is leading up to the point where their paths converge in a climactic meeting where one must rise, and one must fall. Everything in their lives has been leading to that moment.

Anyhow, that's just some of my rambling. I hope you enjoyed that, especially considering we both seemed to be on the same wavelength in terms of trying to analyze and deduce possible scenarios. This is my creative solution, and I kinda like it (as noted, I particularly like the further mirroring of Bruce and Bane). I think it would be pretty cool, but as with all of Nolan's films, I never try to expect anything of them, because I know he's going to do something I'll have never even considered. I trust that he will make it work. And I can't wait.

Yes? No?

c'ets très sympa (surtout le parallèle Bane/batman).... mais est ce que je suis le seul a "m'inquiéter" du fait que si le lien entre BB et TDKR est si fort (que ce soit cette histoire là ou une autre) ca fasse presque passer TDK pour une "parenthèse" !
J'ai pas approfondi le truc, juste une question que je me pose....

Comme Chanand ca semble trés sympa. Aprés comment ca va s'articuler tout ça je me le demande confused
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:55

Trageek a écrit:
Arf ça m'emmerde un peu là d'un coup quand même, il y a l'air d'y avoir un peu trop de personnage, j'espère que ça ne va pas partir dans le n'import'nawak.

Batman Begins:

Citation :
Christian Bale ... Bruce Wayne / Batman

Michael Caine ... Alfred

Liam Neeson ... Henri Ducard

Katie Holmes ... Rachel Dawes

Morgan Freeman ... Lucius Fox

Gary Oldman ... Jim Gordon

Role de second plan

Cillian Murphy ... Dr. Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow

Tom Wilkinson ... Carmine Falcone

Rutger Hauer ... Earle

Ken Watanabe ... Ra's Al Ghul

Mark Boone Junior ... Flass

Linus Roache ... Thomas Wayne

******* (de moindre importance :

Larry Holden ... Finch
Gerard Murphy ... Judge Faden

Colin McFarlane ... Loeb

Sara Stewart ... Martha Wayne
Gus Lewis ... Bruce Wayne - age 8

Richard Brake ... Joe Chill

Rade Serbedzija ...
Homeless Man (as Rade Sherbedgia)

Emma Lockhart ... Rachel Dawes - age 8


Dark knight

Citation :

Christian Bale ... Bruce Wayne / Batman

Aaron Eckhart ... Harvey Dent

Heath Ledger ... Joker

Michael Caine ... Alfred

Maggie Gyllenhaal ... Rachel

Gary Oldman ... Gordon

Morgan Freeman ... Lucius Fox

Role de second plan

Eric Roberts ... Maroni

Chin Han ... Lau

Ritchie Coster ... Chechen

Michael Jai White ... Gambol

Nestor Carbonell ... Mayor

Monique Gabriela Curnen ... Ramirez

role de moindre importance
Ron Dean ... Wuertz

Anthony Michael Hall ... Engel

Cillian Murphy ... Scarecrow

Keith Szarabajka ... Stephens

Colin McFarlane ... Loeb

Joshua Harto ... Reese

Melinda McGraw ... Barbara Gordon

Nathan Gamble ... James Gordon
Michael Vieau ... Rossi
Michael Stoyanov ... Dopey

William Smillie ... Happy

Danny Goldring ... Grumpy

Matthew O'Neill ... Chuckles

William Fichtner ... Bank Manager

Olumiji Olawumi ... Drug Dealer
Gregory Beam ... Drug Buyer (as Greg Beam)
Erik Hellman ... Junkie

Beatrice Rosen ... Natascha
Vincenzo Nicoli ... Crime Boss

Edison Chen ... LSI VP
Nydia Rodriguez Terracina ... Judge Surrillo

Andy Luther ... Brian

Dark knight rises

Citation :

Christian Bale ... Bruce Wayne / Batman
Anne Hathaway ... Selina Kyle / Catwoman

Gary Oldman ... Jim Gordon

Tom Hardy Bane

Morgan Freeman ...

Lucius Fox

Michael Caine ... Alfred

Role de second plan? ou alors tout au plus on aurait Talia peut etre comme un role d'importance.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt ...

Marion Cotillard ...

Role de moindre importance si on en croit ce que dise les sources
Juno Temple ...

Josh Pence Young Ra's hal Ghul

Full cast and crew »

Dernière édition par Tayelore le Sam 9 Avr - 12:59, édité 2 fois
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:55

Maximilien6288 a écrit:
Chanandler Bong a écrit:
Tayelore a écrit:

Citation :
Originally Posted by batman11
I tried to do the same thing, in attempting to conjure a history that would weave together Bane and the Al Ghul family, yet not necessarily make Bane a member of the LoS (although it seems we're on the path to that). If you check the first few pages in here, you'll find one of my posts regarding my initial thoughts. Since I kind of wrote it in haste, however, I figured I'd flesh it out again here (plus, it's fun to try to be creative in such a free, yet strangely restrictive situation):

As has been mentioned several times in this thread, there is some speculation that the "great love" Ra's speaks of in Begins is connected to this whole flashback stuff. My idea was to have Bane's father responsible for the death of Ra's' wife. Bane's father, who is a notorious criminal and violent man, commits a slew of crimes, one of which is murdering Ra's' wife. As Ra's mentions in Begins, he sought vengeance, and was successful. In short, Ra's kills Bane's father. But that wasn't good enough. The man had wronged too many people, and murdering him wasn't enough; justice is balance, and there needed to be something else done. So, Ra's arranges for Bane, a child, to be imprisoned in order to serve the remainder of his father's crimes. In this backstory, both Bane and Talia would be young children, roughly Bruce's age (young Bruce, that is).

Bane, now essentially a prisoner for life, longs for nothing but revenge. He makes himself the absolute best he can be, because he knows he will need to be at the peak physical and intellectual perfection to take on the League by himself. And so time passes, as such a feat is not accomplished overnight. But then, there are rumblings. Whispers. Rumors. The League has a new warrior. The League is mobilizing. Finally, Bane learns of their demise, at the hands of a mysterious new figure in Gotham City. Bane learns of Batman and his methods and ideals, and comes to obsess over the Dark Knight. All those years of training and biding his time to exact his revenge have been wasted; someone beat him to the punch. As such, he turns his attention strictly onto Batman. He wants to know what he is, who he is, and why he exists. He wants to destroy him. He wants to break him. And then he escapes.

Obviously the details there are a little foggy towards the end, but I'm sure the blanks can be filled in with some interesting stuff. As I said, it's merely a creative solution to the issue of trying to tie Bane and Ra's, but without changing Bane too much. The father/prison origin are still in tact, as is his personal perfection, as opposed to learning from the League (although the League is the reason Bane pushes himself so far - he needs to better than all of them). Where Talia fits in all of this, however, I'm not sure.

There are a few things that I find really interesting about it, in terms of the mirroring of Bruce and Bane. Here's a bit of a convoluted list:

Bruce comes from Gotham's favorite family. Bane comes from one of ???'s (location, wherever) most hated families. Bruce's parents are murdered by a petty criminal. Bane's father is murdered by a criminal mastermind. Ra's rescues Bruce from prison, and Bruce reaches the peak of his perfection. Ra's puts Bane in prison, and Bane reaches the peak of his perfection. Bruce escapes the League with a purpose. Bane escapes prison with a purpose. Bruce kills Ra's, and Bane breaks Bruce.

As such, we get a really cool link here. Ra's is directly (and indirectly) responsible for the birth of both Batman and Bane. But it is the way in which he treats both men that causes such a divergence, essentially creating Batman and the anti-Batman. And so, two children, both born of notorious families and then orphaned, both with such paralleling paths embark on this almost pre-determined quest that unquestionably draws them to each other. Their destinies have been intertwined since before they could have possibly imagined, and everything is leading up to the point where their paths converge in a climactic meeting where one must rise, and one must fall. Everything in their lives has been leading to that moment.

Anyhow, that's just some of my rambling. I hope you enjoyed that, especially considering we both seemed to be on the same wavelength in terms of trying to analyze and deduce possible scenarios. This is my creative solution, and I kinda like it (as noted, I particularly like the further mirroring of Bruce and Bane). I think it would be pretty cool, but as with all of Nolan's films, I never try to expect anything of them, because I know he's going to do something I'll have never even considered. I trust that he will make it work. And I can't wait.

Yes? No?

c'ets très sympa (surtout le parallèle Bane/batman).... mais est ce que je suis le seul a "m'inquiéter" du fait que si le lien entre BB et TDKR est si fort (que ce soit cette histoire là ou une autre) ca fasse presque passer TDK pour une "parenthèse" !
J'ai pas approfondi le truc, juste une question que je me pose....

Comme Chanand ca semble trés sympa. Aprés comment ca va s'articuler tout ça je me le demande confused

Comment ça?
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Messages : 3700
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2010
Localisation : Arkham

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 12:59

Citation :
Comment ça?

Je me demande comment il va introduire Bane (avec le background qui peut aller avec) tout en mettant Catwoman et aussi en traitant les répercussions des actes de Batman dans TDK. Bref beaucoup de choses a traitées, mais bon Nolan en est capable j'ai pas trop d'inquiétude la dessus j'essaye juste d'imaginer quel genre d'histoire il a bien pu nous pondre.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:00

Ben, je comprends pas Max, tu as des théories qui se tiennent la?

Ca veut pas dire que c'est ce que Nolan a en tete, mais tout prend son sens.
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Messages : 3700
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2010
Localisation : Arkham

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:10

Citation :
Ben, je comprends pas Max, tu as des théories qui se tiennent la?

Justement non j'en ai pas Laughing

Citation :
Ca veut pas dire que c'est ce que Nolan a en tete, mais tout prend son sens.

Ouais ben j'aimerai bien savoir ce que Nolan a en tête Laughing non mais juste une petite explication du retour de Ras ou ce qui l'a poussé a réutiliser ce personnage ca m'aiderait a voir ou il veut en venir.
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:14

Je vais reprendre quelques idées lu a droite a gauche, d'autres en rumeur, et quelques une que j'ai écrit hier

Fin de Tdk : Batman est un criminel aux yeux de tous, un tueur. ET la pegre organisée est détruite. La corruption en grande partie

Partons du principe que Talia existe dans cette storyline.. Que vient il de se passer? Batman a finalement fini par devenir ce que voulait Ra's.

la ligue des ombres a besoin d'un successeur non? ca pourrait etre un poste qui est convoité non? Et Batman peut etre vu encore chez certains, de la ligue comme un traitre indigne de confiance.. Enter Bane.

En meme temps, ce que peut aussi se dire la ligue (ou plutot la faction talia) Batman a besoin d'aide.... Le crime organisé est détruit, mais cela veut dire aussi que le peu d'ordre à Gotham dans les bas fond n' existe n'existe plus et il est poursuivi par la police.

On pourra se demander que vient faire Catwoman dans cette storyline, si ce n'est etre un des résultant de ce qu'a crée Batman en détruisant la pegre organisé.. des freaks comme le Joker ou two face, donc, ..Elle pourrait etre une "fille des rues" (Comme dans le Batman year one de Miller) ... qui se servirait du nouveau symbole "freaks" pour essayer de sortir sa tete de ce merdier.

pour se fortifier dans cette idée, on peut se rappeller que Junio Temple jouerait une fille des rues de Gotham ( vu catwoman, vu le look de la nana, on peut penser à Holly Robinson.

Je collectais une grande partie ici :

Dernière édition par Tayelore le Sam 9 Avr - 13:28, édité 3 fois
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:15

Maximilien6288 a écrit:

Justement non j'en ai pas Laughing

je te parle pas de toi, mais des théories posté. Smile

Citation :
Ouais ben j'aimerai bien savoir ce que Nolan a en tête Laughing non mais juste une petite explication du retour de Ras ou ce qui l'a poussé a réutiliser ce personnage ca m'aiderait a voir ou il veut en venir.

Mais pourquoi du retour de Ras, il va pas forcément revenir? confused Les sources parlent d'un flashback, et tu as des théories de posté ou je vois pas comment on peut pas ne pas dégager de sens.. encore une fois ca veut pas dire que c'est ça, mais j'ai du mal voir ça comme incompréhensible.. je sais pas peut etre moi..
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:41

Ps: quelqu'un a dit aussi un truc interessant hier sur Shh. Sauf exeption (le parrain 2 par exemple) un flashback est souvent vu du point de vue d'un personnage qui existera dans la storyline présente. Donc la question iqu'on peut se poser si flashback, il y a c'est qui sera ce personnage. On a entendu que


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Messages : 1263
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2010

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:45

Tayelore a écrit:
Trop de personnage comment ça?

Si tu fais allusion à Ras, tu as lu l'article?

si tu fais allusion a Talia, sa présence n'est pas confirmé et quand bien meme je te renvoie au nombre de personnage de Inception. On a pas tous besoin de les dévellloper. Smile

Désolé de ne pas avoir répondu hier, j'étais mort x)

Ne t'inquiètes pas, j'ai bien lu l'article (plutôt deux fois qu'une d'ailleurs). Trop de perso et surtout trop de vilains peut être pour moi (et au final peut être trop d'intrigues ? à moins que Nolan parvienne à lier tout ça)... Je ne sais pas si on aura Talia mais je sens qu'il y aura un perso lié à Ras... à moins que Nolan nous surprenne encore... ça peut fonctionner mais ça reste un choix surprenant s'il se confirme.

Bon j'avoue que si je voyais mal un possible retour de la ligue des ombres, c'est parce que j'avais du mal à imaginer comment ce come back s'intégrerait dans une storyline contenant déjà Catwoman et Bane.

Mais je ne suis pas sceptique et je pense qu'on n'a pas fini d'être surprit.
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Chanandler Bong
Chanandler Bong

Messages : 6767
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2010
Localisation : au bar, en train de se taper une vodka martini !

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:45

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Tumblr_leimiqa5dD1qazii1
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate!   The Dark knight Rises de Christopher Nolan  Officiel : Joseph Gordon Levitt est John Blake!Marion Cotillard est Miranda Tate! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 13:45

Ou alors je reprends l'idée qu'on a lu plus haut. Bane est le fils de l'homme qui a tué la femme de Ras. Ras tue l'homme. Et quand il tombe sur son fils, ne se résoud pas à le tuer. il emmene alors le gosse avec lui, et s'assure que Talia soit recueillli en lieu sur. Ras devient alors l'homme qu'on connait et vivant dans le ressentiment de ce qu'on a fait à sa femme, en éduquant en meme temps à la dure, Bane..
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