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 Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas)

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Chanandler Bong
Archie Leach
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas)   Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 3 Juil - 20:26

Ben on a qu'a faire un nouveau sondage en rajoutant certains de tes trucs et certains autres.
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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The Batman- Screenplay by Tom Mankiewicz. En 1983, la Warner songe déjà à mettre en place une adaptation filmée des aventures du "Caped Crusader". Tom Mankiewicz (LES DIAMANTS SONT ETERNELS, LADYHAWKE mais également une des premières versions de SUPERMAN) se voit confier le projet. Son scénario sera finalement refusé et le voici en ligne. Collector, bat-fans !

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Messages : 2785
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010

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Bon, il y a des chances que ce soit définitivement foutu pour Metal Gear Solid.

Konami, inquiet des retombées négatives que cela pourrait avoir sur les ventes des jeux, se montre frileux à l'égard du projet. Pour qu'ils aient été aussi inquiets, c'est certainement que quelque chose n'allait vraiment pas.

Cela dit, je préfère rien plutôt qu'un mauvais film qui porterait préjudice à la franchise (Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider).

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Messages : 2785
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010

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Bon, à l'inverse, les choses commencent à repartir pour Evangelion (la faillite d'ADV avait retardé la pré-prod), avec la possibilité d'entrer en production dès l'année prochaine.

Voir le topic consacré mais, cette fois, le studio est trouvé et ils ont réussi à se mettre d'accord sur la dimension philosophique et psychologique qui refroidissait jusque là.
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Non mais c'est quoi ce grotesque Brainiac.L'araignée version Jon Peters Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 108228 .

Plus je vois ça plus je me dis qu'on a évitée le pire.
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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cineternel a écrit:
Bon, il y a des chances que ce soit définitivement foutu pour Metal Gear Solid.

Konami, inquiet des retombées négatives que cela pourrait avoir sur les ventes des jeux, se montre frileux à l'égard du projet. Pour qu'ils aient été aussi inquiets, c'est certainement que quelque chose n'allait vraiment pas.

Cela dit, je préfère rien plutôt qu'un mauvais film qui porterait préjudice à la franchise (Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider).


Pourtant j'avais lu des interwiews ou Hideo Kojima Himself était enthousiaste a l'idée que le projet se fasse,il voulait même faire partie de la production etc...
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Noriega de Oliver Stone
Citation :

En 1990, Oliver Stone était très désireux de s'attaquer au dictateur déchu du Panama: «Noriega donnerait un excellent film. Graham Greene aurait pu le créer. (...) Si Shakespeare était vivant, il tenterait de le mettre en scène. J'adore l'Amérique centrale comme toile de fonds». Quatre ans plus tard, alors qu'Al Pacino devait incarner le dictateur panaméen¸ Oliver Stone a dû reconnaître qu'il faisait face à des problèmes de budget et de scénario. Noriega a «des aspects négatifs» et «on ne le cerne pas facilement», avait expliqué le réalisateur. Et d'ajouter: «Pour avoir passé trois heures avec lui en prison, je le connais». Dans un décevant élan de modestie, Stone confessa: «La vraie histoire est probablement trop compliquée [pour faire un film]. Si [le procureur spécial] Lawrence Walsh n'a pas réussi à résoudre l'affaire Iran-Contra, comment Oliver Stone pourrait-il y arriver?». Le réalisateur décida donc de nous éviter un film fade. Le script axé autour de Lawrence Wright fut adapté pour un téléfilm bien accueilli : Noriega: L'Elu de Dieu (réalisé par Roger Spottiswoode).

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Messages : 3123
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2009

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Killzeus a écrit:
The Batman- Screenplay by Tom Mankiewicz. En 1983, la Warner songe déjà à mettre en place une adaptation filmée des aventures du "Caped Crusader". Tom Mankiewicz (LES DIAMANTS SONT ETERNELS, LADYHAWKE mais également une des premières versions de SUPERMAN) se voit confier le projet. Son scénario sera finalement refusé et le voici en ligne. Collector, bat-fans !


Merci pour le lien! Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 913571
J'ai commencé à le lire et pour l'instant je me dis que ça aurait pu donner un truc vraiment chouette, au niveau des origines tout y est, avec pas mal de scènes sur l'entrainement de taré que suit Bruce (j'ai bien aimé le fait qu'il apprenne plusieurs langues et qu'il soit vachement calé sur tout ce qui est physique, ça permet de montrer rapidement son intelligence hors du commun et ses futurs qualités de détective), et qui se permet même d'avoir quelques petites touches de fun bien senties (notamment avec Alfred).
J'ai juste été un peu surpris de voir que le Joker est introduit durant l'enfance de Bruce (cela diffère de celui de Burton, puisque lors de l'assassinat des Wayne, le Joker est déjà...le Joker, et non un simple gangster qui le deviendra par la suite), dans mon esprit il fait ses premières apparitions alors que Batman est déjà en activité (j'ai toujours aimé que ça soit Batman qui attire tous les tarés à Gotham)

Bref c'est très plaisant à lire, je m'y remet!
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Ah ben ça fait plaisir,je pensais faire un four encore,merci pour les précisions Dark,super intérrésant tout ça Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Icon_wink Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Icon_basketball
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Citation :
After reading "CRUSADE", one of the best scripts to date, artist & The ARNOLD FANS art director, Randy Jennings, found himself so inspired with The Oak's dream project that he painted this glorious painting in an effort to increase the already growing awareness for Schwarzenegger's mid-evil project! Randy's Crusade piece was so warmly accepted that it was printed in the pages of MUSCLEMAG magazine, in all it's glory!

Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Randyposter

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Messages : 3123
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2009

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Killzeus a écrit:
Ah ben ça fait plaisir,je pensais faire un four encore,merci pour les précisions Dark,super intérrésant tout ça Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Icon_wink Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Icon_basketball

T'inquiètes et c'est moi qui te remercie pour toutes ces infos, c'est toujours vachement intéressant! Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Icon_wink
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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Catwoman- Screenplay by Daniel Waters. Peu après la sortie de BATMAN RETURNS, on parle beaucoup d’un film autour de Catwoman, que réaliserait Tim Burton, avec Michelle Pfeiffer. Le projet tombera finalement à l’eau. Reste ce script, écrit par Daniel Waters (BATMAN RETURNS, DEMOLITION MAN)...

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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Vidéo d'un certain temps
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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 3687642razpv
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Citation :
Originally, Joel Schumacher was slated to direct the fifth Batman movie, titled "Batman Triumphant", with George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell reprising thier roles as the Dynamic Duo, and Howard Stern slated to play The Scarecrow. However, when the box office returns for Batman and Robin dropped drastically in its second week of release, Warner Bros. began to panic. It was decided to replace Schumacher with Andrew Davis, who directed the Batman OnStar commercials, doubling as his screen test. The new film would be a lower budget movie with more emphasis on characters, as well as returning to a darker, serious tone. Bret Hart was considered for Batman, Vincent Kartheiser for Robin, and Crispin Glover for Scarecrow. But then Schumacher made a pitch to write and direct an adaptation of the comic book Batman: Year One. Warners bought the idea, but replaced Schumacher with Darren Aronofsky. Aronofsky joked that he would rather make The Dark Knight Returns with Clint Eastwood as the aging Batman, and film it in Tokyo, Japan. Nevertheless, he wrote a script with Frank Miller that ignored the "Year One" comic book, and was more of a Death Wish-meets-The French Connection movie. Horrified at the script, Warner Brothers killed the project and searched for a new director, ultimately hiring Christopher Nolan. "

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Le script de Batman Year One par Frank Miller, prévu pour être porté à l'écran par Darren Aronofsky en 2000.


Citation :
Un point de vue intéressant à la "What If?" où Bruce Wayne devient un simili-SDF qui vit dans un garage, Alfred est un grand black, le vrai héros de l'histoire est Gordon, aucun méchants en costume, juste une histoire très brute et violente du vigilante.

Merci a Batman Begins de Mad Movies
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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Jay Baruchel Talks "Justice League: Mortal"

Citation :
Do you think it would have won around the blogosphere?

"I'll just say this, if we had been able to make the movie that we had gone down [to Australia] to rehearse, if you had seen the production art I'd seen... it would've been the coolest thing ever. It would have been the neatest vision of Batman and the coolest vision of Superman you've ever seen. It would have been dark and fairly brutal and quite gory and just f**king epic."

What was the problem?

"The problem was that, had it gone to production, it would have been the single most expensive movie in the history of movies. Sometimes people are reticent to spend upwards of $300 million. It was a fun two weeks in Sydney and I got to hang out with one of my idols, George Miller."

Did you get as far as seeing the Justice League heroes in costume?

"I did. My friends, who were training to be Batman and Superman, they were down there for three months training and going to Weta in New Zealand to get their costumes. Weta, which is arguably the greatest special effects house on Earth, they had to cancel everything else. They were doing nothing but our movie. It was going to be f**king dope!"

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Messages : 4688
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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Les films avortés ou en dévellopement hell qu'on aimerait voir un jour.(ou pas) - Page 6 Sergshotovermodel.jpg.w560h239

(à ranger à côté de Napoleon et Crusade, malheureusement...)

Merci a Batman Begins de Mad Movies Forum
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Messages : 61203
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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Armie Hammer au sujet de la justice league de Miller, dans laquelle il devait jouer Batman/Bruce Wayne à 18:15 –


Citation :
I was up for the role of Batman in George Miller's Justice League, and it was going to be, in my opinion, one of the greatest comic book movies ever made. The universe that George Miller created and the work that he did on that was unlike anything I have ever seen. He approached that like a psychologist. He wanted to show the truth of the these comic book characters in a way that I don't think they've been shown on film before. It's unfortunate that he never got a chance to show the world what he had. But we all saw it. We saw all the previs stuff. He had a room, bigger than this room, that had floor to ceiling storyboard depictions of the entire movie. So, you could walk around the entire room, take you about an hour, but you would get the entire movie just by walking around the storyboards. I mean he had it all figured out.

Merci à biolumen.

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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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Interview vidéo de Armie Hammer évoquant à nouveau la justice league de George Miller.
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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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Armie Hammer parle encore de justice league.

c'est juste vraiment dommage que le film ait pas abouti, vu ce que je lis.

Citation :
Quint: You probably worked with some friends of mine at Weta down in New Zealand on Justice League.
Armie Hammer: Those guys are amazing. Some of the most ingenious special effects house guys I’ve ever seen in my life. I wore the full functioning Bat Suit. The batarangs were all titanium spring-loaded, they all worked…
Quint: Did you get to keep them?
Armie Hammer: Dude, please. They wouldn’t even let us bring our own personal cell phones onto the sound stages. They’d be like, “Okay, great! Put your phones here. Ah! Where’s your phone?!?” I was like, “Fine, okay” and pull it out of my butt, trying to sneak it in.
It was nutty. If we had any part of our costume on they’d have four people walk around us with big sheets so no paparazzi could get pictures of us in the costumes. It was insane.

Yeah, I wish I could have spent more time with those guys, but I loved those Weta guys. They’re great.

Quint: Did you work with Richard Taylor there?
Armie Hammer: Yeah, he did a cast of my head with the straws up the nose and all that… they pour it on and it gets hot, then it gets cold and you’re just like, “What’s going on?!?”
Quint: I’ve spent some time in Wellington and I love those guys… they had me in the shop the last time I was there because they needed a decapitated head for 30 Days of Night…
Armie Hammer: No way! Ah, that’s great!
Quint: I’d always wanted to do it, get my head cast, so I was in immediately.
Armie Hammer: Isn’t it crazy? Did they do the thing where they slicked your hair back with the hair paste or whatever it was?
Quint: Yeah, they did. A guy named Gino Acevedo did my head cast. Did he work on yours as well?
Armie Hammer: Nope, Richard did the whole thing. It was amazing. I was like, “Are you supposed to be doing this?!?” He did the whole mold himself, which was insane. Did he give you the whole speech before they started the mold of like “This is going to deprive your senses, you might go a little crazy in there”? I was like “What is going to happen!?!” It’s like Altered States or something!
Quint: I was very surprised to find the whole experience very relaxing. I didn’t freak out at all.
Armie Hammer: It’s zen. You only hear your breathing and it’s like calm…
Quint: Well, we should talk a little about the movie or they’re going to be upset that I’m bogarting all time talking about New Zealand and gourmet donuts.
Armie Hammer: Hey, man. We’re just having fun!

Citation :
uint: Do you think any of that stuff is ever going to come out?
Armie Hammer: I wish it would.
Quint: The project is dead, right?
Armie Hammer: I think so, yeah.
Quint: I’m fascinated by that stuff, the “almost happened,” the “What if” stuff and just the idea of George Miller doing a JUSTICE LEAGUE movie still… I think it’s going to go down as one of the saddest “This didn’t happen” things ever.
Armie Hammer: And dude I saw it all. Like I saw the prevised fight sequences. I saw the entire storyboarded film that he had in a room ten times the size of this room with storyboards floor to ceiling, so you walked around the entire room and read the movie like a comic book. What he did… He created something that was so magnificent and put so much work into it, the fact that it never got a chance to be seen by daylight or appreciated by those who really would appreciate this more than anything else… I mean he was bringing in the psychology of these characters more than anyone else ever had.
We had psychiatrists with us in our rehearsal process to be like “Why this?” He was like “Well you see, with a delusional character like this, like the Batman, who thinks in this such a way, like a paranoid schizophrenic like this, this would be the motivating factor.” You bring so much more to these characters, because it’s not just “Well in this frame you are going to jump on top of this car and you are going to throw your Batarang.” It’s like “Why is everyone doing what they are doing, but in George Miller’s true style.” He was going so in-depth in this.

We had a brain surgeon, a psychiatrist, a Joseph Campbell expert, and all of these people in every single table meeting we had for a month and a half and then all of the characters were also training as their characters, so The Flash, Adam Brody, was training as The Flash with rubber bands, so he’d be fast and twitchy. Aquaman, Santiago Cabrera, was swimming a lot and Miller would send him to go swim with Dolphins in Northern California for hours so he would be used to being around sea creatures. Batman, being the only human of the Justice League and having to really prove himself there, he had to be the consummate martial artist, as well as the ultimate detective, so he was playing psychological games with all of us.

He would leave me out of things, like intentionally, but I wouldn’t know this until months later when I would just get the feeling of like “What is going on? Why is everybody?” Because he wanted me to constantly be getting into that paranoid mind frame of The Batman.

Quint: Yeah, “you’re not really in the group.”
Armie Hammer: Exactly and he wanted to create that in everybody. For instance, DJ Catrona who was playing Superman; he brought DJ down a month early and showed him the ropes, introduced him to everybody, made him have fun with everybody and all of that, so that when everybody would go down there they would be like “Well what do we do now, DJ?” So they would look up to him like people look up to Superman in The Justice League. It was amazing.
Quint: That’s awesome. I’d love to talk to you… I could talk to you for two hours about this stuff, but obviously they are not going to let me.
[Reps walk in to wrap up the interview.]
Quint: Cool, well enjoy your donuts.
Armie Hammer: Yeah, definitely. “Gourdoughs!”

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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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Today, 03:23 AM #6582
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 620
Re: Official Justice League Status Update Thread
Possible 'Justice League: Mortal' script review.

Breakdown of the cancelled Justice League script

For starters, don't ask for the script. I can't share it. Doing so could destroy my chances to get future scripts.

I'm going to have to post/read this in parts. The thing is way too painful to read in one sitting. It starts out decent for about 30 pages or so and then becomes mind-numbing. At this point, I'd watch a DC animated film based on this script (minus some inappropriate parts), but a live-action production probably would've been the new Batman & Robin. The script is written by Kieran and Michele Mulroney. The following is less of a review and more of my quick notes as I reading. It ends at about the halfway point of the script.


Starts on a somber note, a funeral for an unnamed member of the Justice League. There is a crowd of thousands, including black-clad heroes, including Superman in his black suit.

Cut to a few days earlier:

Batman acting paranoid. He's using a satellite to spy on the other Justice League members and document their weakness. He quickly turns off the monitor when Alfred enters the Batcave. When the two leave the cave, a burst of code appears on the monitor, overriding the satellite's protocols.

The Flash is Barry, but Wally makes an appearance playing speed ping-pong with Barry. Has the classic costume ring. Seems to have a crush on WW, who hasn't met before the script starts. Flash later displays a bit of hero worship for all the heroes.

Brother Eye satellite targets Martian Manhunter, who through a hard-to-explain trap is set on fire. The Flash & WW come to his rescue, but once extinguished he seems to spontaneously combust. Flash, WW, and Supes keep Martian Manhunter submerged in Diana's pool to prevent any further incidents.

The way the script is written, it seems to be vaguely attempting to capitalize on the Nolanverse. It is mentioned that Batman's fought Ra's and Ra's lost-- the implication is he died. However, it is also said Batman was helped by Talia, who loved Batman and betrayed her father. I imagine average moviegoers would've been confused.

Investigating Manhunter's condition, Supes visits Aquaman, who is missing his left hand and appears to also have a thing for WW. Aquaman uses a prosthetic hand made completely out of water, which blows the Flash's mind.

An OMAC attacks Batman and the audience learns Maxwell Lord, a supposed friend of Batman, is behind it all. Talia is working with him. Batman is quick to realize someone has hijacked his Brother Eye system.

At this point, John Stewart enters the story. He uses his power ring to create a 3D model of the Hal Jordan Memorial Park is designing. Something infects Stewart. He loses control of the ring's creations and writhes in pain.

Back at Diana's place, Aquaman is offended when the Flash calls him Aquaman instead of King Arthur. Then, Aquaman is bitten by a mechanical mosquito, which infects him with something that causes instant aquaphobia. He discards his water hand, but it is put to good use. It changes and envelops Martian Manhunter, creating a protective layer of water allowing him to leave Diana's pool, which is good because M.M. was pretty pathetic up to this point. Since Aquaman had been in the pool inspecting M.M., the Flash suspects he contracted something "martian-y", a term that doesn't sit well with M.M. Superman, however, realizes these are targeted attacks.

Looking at Aquaman, Flash asks, "How long can he stay dray without... you know, turning in to bait?" Yeah, Aquaman definitely hates him at this point.

M.M. senses GL's pain. Supes and Flash go to help GL.

Back in the Batcave, the computer is completely out of Batman's control and says, "Watch" as it shows what's happening to the other heroes. Back at Lord's place, he gloats and talks to a wall of TV screens showing little boys, all deceased. Not sure what the implies about him, but it's creepy.

At Diana's place, no one can figure out who's behind the attacks. All likely villains are locked up (they mention a lot of names, and all but two are Batman rogues). They start focusing on who else might be targeted. Aquaman mentions Batman. Flash says, No. No powers=not a superhero. Batman isn't worth the unknown villain's time. Angry looks all around. $5 says Aquaman drowns the Flash by the end of this story. That'd explain the funeral at the beginning.

For their mutual protection, Supes decides to take guests to the Fortress for the first time ever. The Flash is overly excited.

But first,

Barry visits Wally West, who is helping Barry by hacking into computer systems looking for clues. He is speeding through opening/closing files at "near light speed". At this point, I can only guess his processor is connected to the speed force in some way. Wally wants to put on the Flash suit and really help, but Barry says he never wants to see him in the suit.

Then, Barry visits his wife. They have some kind of weird clothed speed sex where Barry vibrates so fast he passes through her. It reads, "She GASPS... feeling him inside of her, all of her, inside her very molecules." Then she says, "Don't ever tell anyone we do that..."

On to the Fortress...

GL is nearly blind at this point. The Fortress is not the Donner one. It's closer to what I've seen in my limited Superman reading. Large statues of Jor-el and Lara, an exact life-size replica of the Kent farm, and some other nifty stuff. The other heroes are a little moved by this look into Superman's heart.

The Flash looks at WW and her skimpy outfit. He says something to her about how cold it is. To hell with Aquaman. At this point, I'd drown the Flash for $5. I never realized Barry Allen was supposed to be the DC equivalent of Jar Jar Binks. The dude will not shut up. He keeps asking all the injured heroes about their powers and crap. You know, because when someone is in pain, that's when they tend to be at their most talkative. The writers want us to like the guy, the direction reads: Flash's energy is infectious. That's not necessarily a good thing. You know what else is infectious? Freaking AIDS, you no-talent hacks.

Batman shows up uninvited. That's one hell of a secret hide-out you've got, Supes. Great job putting together that defense system. But maybe I'm being unfairly hard on Superman right now. Batman does have the advantage of a spy satellite (which he no longer controls). It's not like anyone else in the world has a satellite and would be interested in knowing where the Man of Steel goes for some R&R. I'm sure Superman's already thought about that possibility anyway.

Batman enters. Superman asks, "How'd you find us?" Really, Clark? In all that time flying around, you've never once seen a spy satellite. What the hell kind of reporter are you anyway?


Batman has to explain how a satellite was able to see where they went. Then explains the rest of the situation to his dimwitted colleagues. They question why he felt he needed to spy on them, but none of them seems more than a little upset. I guess they're all accustomed to Batman being a ****.

Someone comes up with an easy solution. Let's knock the satellite out of the sky. Unfortunately, Batman doesn't know where it is. The satellite is cloaked, but not because of Maxwell Lord. Batman cloaked it. He has no way of tracking it. He's so paranoid he deliberately hid it from himself.

At last, someone displays some reasonable emotion. Superman slams him against a wall and calls him stupid. It's a fair statement, but coming from Superman it's like the pot calling the kettle black at this point. Superman is too nice to seriously hurt Batman, so WW slugs him instead.

Against Batman's advice, Flash answers a cell phone call from his wife, but it's not his wife. Nanotech tendrils come out of the phone and go into his skull. *fingers crossed hoping it kills him*

A nano-spider latches onto his spine and makes him vibrate faster than ever before-- so fast he falls through the floor of the Fortress. He passes through the entire Earth and comes up in Antarctica, shooting up into the air and crashing down. *please be dead, please be dead*

When he comes down, he passes back through the Earth coming up in the Fortress again. The others speculate he'll keep this up until he eventually gets caught by the gravity at the center of the Earth, which will mean death by molten core. Unfortunately, WW stops him with her lasso. What a *****!

Using his x-ray vision, Superman detects nanobots in all the infected heroes, right at the base of their skulls. WW has the brilliant idea of Superman using his heat vision to destroy them. Yeah, that seems like a perfectly reasonable and safe solution. What's the worst that could come from firing the equivalent of a laser beam through someone's skin near the base of their skull? Wait, maybe it could kill Flash *Please God, let them do it.* Unfortunately, Flash is saved when Manhunter talks them out of the risky procedure. but...

Flash is still in big trouble. His even-more-than-usual supercharged metabolism is killing him as he wastes away to little more than skin and bones. *Dammit, writers, stop toying with my emotions.*

But, the Justice Leaguers come up with a solution, something much more reasonable than Superman heat visioning the nanobots. If you're reading this, you're probably sitting down, but if you're not, now would be a good time. Are you ready for this?

Wait for it . . .

The BLIND GL who can BARELY CONTROL his ring constructs, is going to use his ring to construct surgical equipment and perform surgery, but it's cool because the Martian Manhunter is going to be his eyes.

And now for the exciting conclusion:

The surgery is a success, but they hold off on operating on Aquaman or Martian Manhunter.

Batman flies back to his cave, where he finds a Brother Eye file on him, which identifies his major weakness: Love. How sweet. Batman figures it must mean Talia so he starts following her.

Flash and Wonder Woman go to Planet Krypton diner (presumably somewhere in the U.S.) so Flash can carbo-load. Wally meets them with some information.

Aquaman and Manhunter are cured. Manhunter suggests GL perform surgery on himself. GL doesn't feel comfortable, so Aquaman offers his expertise, which amounts to letting GL swallow his water hand. It ends up flushing the nanobots out GL's system via his ears. I hate this script so very much right now.

GL thanks King Arthur, who now insists on being called Aquaman.

Batman confronts Talia who pretty much says she's trying to get revenge because he broke up with her.

Back at Planet Krypton, Wally reveals the history of the OMAC project and says the government tried raising a generation of babies to be psychic warriors but their brains all turned to jelly and they died-- all except one named Jonah. After putting the young boy's face through an aging program, they discover he grew up to be Evelyn Salt Maxwell Lord.

Batman confronts Lord, who shows Batman what he's been up to. To complete the OMAC project, he has infect people in power, creating OMAC sleeper robots. He activates them and they transform, some infecting other people who transform. Against Talia's protests, Lord tries to kill Batman. I'm not quite sure what else she thought was going to happen when she signed on.

Martian Manhunter and Superman independently sense Batman is in danger and rush to help, Aquaman and GL joining Manhunter, falling for Lord's trap. Manhunter sends WW and Flash a telepathic message. WW goes, but they decide Flash should investigate the reports of OMAC robots attacking the Capitol building in D.C.

The heroes arrives at Lord's lair and take care of his robots pretty quickly.

CUT TO: Barry at the Kremlin/Red Square looking at robots. Sure, going through Russia seems like the most direct path to D.C.

Back at Lord's, the heroes have him cornered until he uses his mind control powers to make Superman think WW tortured and murdered Lois. He goes berserk.

There's a huge fight, mostly between Supes and WW. It's actually pretty cool until Aquaman calls all the fish of the sea to attack Superman. Later GL creates a green Superman replica to fight Supes. Martian Manhunter takes on the form of Lara to calm Supes, it only works briefly. Meanwhile, Lord tells WW the only way to stop everything is to kill Lord. She can't do it. She wants to, but she can't.

Maxwell gloats. Then, Batman sneaks up and snaps his neck.

They think they've won until Talia is transformed into an OMAC, but more. She's Talia, Brother Eye, and Maxwell all in one. She becomes all robotic and interfaces with monitors and crap. I'm having bad flashbacks to Superman III. Her monitors start showing normal people all around the world becoming OMACs. Apparently, he used his business links to Planet Krypton to put nanobots in the food.

Computer Maxwell declares war on the metahumans, sending his army of OMACs after the heroes. While Batman tries to free Talia, Superman, WW, Aquaman, Flash, GL, and Manhunter wait for the OMACs to arrive, wondering if the six of them will be enough to fight. Then, Wally West shows up in Flash costume. Good there's seven now. That should be enough. Aquaman says, "Good god, there's two of them." My thoughts exactly, fishboy. One was enough.

Batman joins them, saying Maxwell's consciousness has left Talia and found another host. He doesn't know who it will be, but it's guaranteed to be an OMAC bigger than all rest. While they're trying to figure out where that host is, Barry Allen Flash conveniently turns into an OMAC bigger than all the rest.

There's a big battle. Barry wrestles control of his new form away from Maxwell. He vibrates so fast he enters the speed force, freezing time. He leaves his robot form and goes to say goodbye to his wife. Then he is snapped back to realtime, still inside a robot shell.
Here, Barry gets his one good (great) moment after dozens of horrible ones. He starts running faster and faster, demolishing all OMACs in his paths. He circles the Earth, destroying them and gathering their molecules behind them. He runs so fast he passed through his OMAC shell. He keeps accelerating. Wally joins him. Two speedsters going faster than anyone was ever meant. Wally tells him he's going too fast, but Barry already knows. He tells Wally to turn back, but he doesn't. Finally, he says, "Tag, you're it." and leaves Wally in his dust. Barry pushes himself forward until he breaks the speed barrier, destroying himself and every last molecule of Lord's nano-consciousness or whatever you want to call it. Chunks of robot debris fall from the sky and the others discover Barry's empty costume. They comfort Wally.

We see the funeral again. Then, they heroes vote and form the Justice League, which includes Wally as the new Flash. The script ends with the heroes all readying for battle, including Aquaman replacing his water hand with a harpoon hand. The world faces a new threat and they are ready, ready to battle . . .

Starro. Yeah, they follow the scripts one fantastic scene with freaking Starro the Conqueror. Writers Kieran and Michele Mulroney, I hate you. I f-ing hate you. I hate you so much, the only way to put it into words is use this quote from The Other Guys.

If we were in the wild, I would attack you. Even if you weren’t in my food chain, I would go out of my way to attack you. If I were a lion and your were a tuna, I would swim out into the middle of the ocean and friggin eat you!

Pros: They finally killed him the Flash. Con: The Flash's sudden awesomeness robbed me of the full enjoyment of his death.

It's worth noting that these writers are the same geniuses hired to script the Sherlock Holmes sequel.


Merci à biolumen.
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Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

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